Exercises unit 2 ответы: Unit 2 lesson 1-2 exercise 2, ГДЗ к учебнику Кауфмана по английскому языку за 8 класс Happy English


Оглавление (Units) учебника ‘Essential Grammar in Use’ Раймонда Мёрфи

Быстрый переход Unit 29→ Unit 44→ Unit 65→ Unit 85→ Unit 97→

Оглавление 4-го издания красного Мёрфи.
В скобках даны номера юнитов 1-го издания учебника→ (в мягком переплёте) которые НЕ СОВПАДАЮТ!
Словом new помечены новые юниты, которых нет в 1-м издании.
Вопросы к тестам задавайте в комментариях к конкретным юнитам.

Present (Настоящее)

  • 1 be/am/is/are
    Упражнения и практика BE am/is/are
  • 2 am/is/are (questions)
    Упр. и практика: Вопросы с BE
  • 3 I am doing (present continuous)
    Упр. и практика: I am doing.
  • 4 Are you -ing? (present continuous questions)
  • 5 I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
    Упр. и практика: I do/work
  • 6 I don’t … (present simple negative)
  • 7 Do you …? (present simple questions)
  • 8 I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present simple)
  • 9 (14) I have and I’ve got

Past (Прошедшее)

  • 10 (11) was/were
  • 11(9) worked/got/went etc (past simple)
  • 12 (10) I didn’t Did you? (past simple negative and questions)
  • 13 (12) I was doing (past continuous)
  • 14 (13) I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)

Present perfect (Настоящее совершённое)

  • 15 I have done (present perfect 1)
  • 16 I’ve just/already  not yet (present perfect 2)
  • 17 (16) Have you ever … ? (present perfect 3)
  • 18 (17) How long have you … ? (present perfect 4)
  • 19 (18) for since ago
  • 20 (19) I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)

Passive (Пассив)

  • 21 (20) is done / was done (passive 1)
  • 22 (-) is being done / has been done (passive 2)

Verb forms (Формы глагола)

  • 23 (35) be/have/do in present and past tenses
  • 24 (36) Regular and irregular verbs

Future (Будущее)

  • 25 (21) What are you doing tomorrow? (present for the future)
  • 26 (22) I’m going to…
  • 27 (23) will/shall (1)
  • 28 (24) will/shall (2)

Modals, imperative etc.

(Модальные, повелительное наклонение и т.д.)
  • 29 (26) might
  • 30 (25) can and could
  • 31 (27) must mustn’t don’t need to
  • 32 (28) should
  • 33 (29) I have to …
  • 34 (30) Would you like … ? I’d like …
  • 35 (-) Do this! Don’t do that! Let’s do this! 
  • 36 (-) I used to … 

There and it (Безличные предложения)

  • 37 (31) there is / there are
  • 38 (32) there was/were there has/have been there will be
  • 39 (33) It …

Auxiliary verbs (Вспомогательные глаголы)

  • 40 (37) I am, I don’t etc
  • 41 (38) Have you? Are you? Don’t you? etc
  • 42 (39) too/either so am I / neither do I etc
  • 43 (40) isn’t, haven’t, don’t etc (negatives)

Questions (Вопросы)

  • 44 (41)is it … ? have you … ? do they … ? etc (questions 1)
  • 45 (42) Who saw you? Who did you see? (questions 2)
  • 46 (43) Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3)
  • 47 (44) What … ? Which … ? How … ? (questions 4)
  • 48 (45) How long does it take … ?
  • 49 (46) Do you know where … ? I don’t know what … etc

Reported speech (Косвенная речь)

  • 50 (49) She said that … He told me that …

-ing and to … (Герундий и инфинитив)

  • 51 (34) work/working go/going do/doing
  • 52 (47) to … (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)
  • 53 (48) I want you to … I told you to …
  • 54 (50) I went to the shop to …

Go, get, do, make and have (Важные глаголы)

  • 55 (52) go to … go on … go for … go -ing
  • 56 (51) get
  • 57 (-) do and make
  • 58 (-) have

Pronouns and possessives (Личные местоимения и притяжательный падеж)

  • 59 (53) I/me he/him they/them etc
  • 60 (54) my/his/their etc
  • 61 (55) Whose is this? It’s mine/yours/hers etc
  • 62 (56) l/me/my/mine
  • 63 (57) myself/yourself/themselves etc.
  • 64 (58) -‘s (Kate’s camera/my brother’s car etc.)

A and The (Неопределённый и определённый артикль)

  • 65 (59) a/an …
  • 66 (60) train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)
  • 67 (61)a bottle/some water (countable/uncountable 1)
  • 68 (62) a cake/some cake/some cakes (countable/uncountable 2)
  • 69 (63) a/an and the
  • 70 (64) the …
  • 71 (65) go to work / go home / go to the cinema
  • 72 (66) I like music / I hate exams
  • 73 (67) the … (names of places)

Determiners and pronouns (Определители и местоимения)

  • 74 (68) this/that/these/those
  • 75 (69) one/ones
  • 76 (70) some and any
  • 77 (71) not + any no none
  • 78 (72) not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing
  • 79 (73) somebody/anything/nowhere etc
  • 80 (74) every and all
  • 81 (75) all, most, some, any, no/none
  • 82 (76) both / either / neither
  • 83 (77) a lot / much / many
  • 84 (78) (a) little / (a) few

Adjectives and adverbs (Прилагательные и наречия)

  • 85 (79) old/nice/interesting etc (adjectives)
  • 86 (80) quickly/badly/suddenly etc (adverbs)
  • 87 (81) old/older expensive/more expensive
  • 88 (82) older than … / more expensive than …
  • 89 (83) not as … as
  • 90 (84) the oldest / the most expensive
  • 91 (85) enough
  • 92 (86) too

Word order (Порядок слов)

  • 93 (87) He speaks English very well. (word order 1)
  • 94 (88) always/usually/often etc (word order 2)
  • 95 (89) still yet already
  • 96 (90) Give me that book! Give it to me!

Conjunctions and clauses (Союзы и условные предложения)

  • 97 (103) and, but, or, so, because
  • 98 (104) When …
  • 99 (105) If we go … If you see … etc
  • 100 (-) If I had … If we went … etc 
  • 101 (106) a person who … / a thing that/which … (relative clauses 1) New!
  • 102 (107) the people we met / the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2) New!

Prepositions (Предлоги)

  • 103 (91) at 8 o’clock on Monday in April
  • 104 (92) from … to until since for
  • 105 (93) before, after, during, while
  • 106 (94) in at on (places 1)
  • 107 (94) in at on (places 2)
  • 108 (95) to in at (places 3)
  • 109 (96) under, behind, opposite etc
  • 110 (97) up, over, through etc
  • 111 (98) on, at, by, with, about
  • 112 (99) afraid of, good at etc of/at/for etc (prepositions) + -ing
  • 113 (100) listen to, look at etc (verb + preposition)

Phrasal verbs (Фразовые глаголы)

  • 114 (101) go in, fall off, run away etc (phrasal verbs 1)s
  • 115 (102) put on your shoes / put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)

Appendices (Дополнения)

  • Appendix 1 (-) Active and passive
  • Appendix 2 (1) List of irregular verbs (список неправильных глаголов)
  • Appendix 3 (2) Irregular verbs in groups (неправильные глаголы по группам)
  • Appendix 4 (3) Short forms (he’s/I’d/don’t etc) Сокращения
  • Appendix 5 (4) Spelling
  • Appendix 6 (5) Phrasal verbs (take off/give up etc)
  • Appendix 7 (6) Phrasal verbs + object (put out a fire/give up your job etc)

Additional exercises 1-35 >

Key to Exercises >


  • kristasunny: Обожаю красный учебник Мерфи! Когда-то я по нему занималась с репетитором еще в школе,лет 10 назад. А сейчас я сама преподаю английский и на дополнительных занятиях использую его. Огромное вам спасибо за сайт!
  • sdsdfsdfsdf: Спасибо большое за эту работу, очень классный сайт, таких очень мало в сети, приятно заниматься и понимаешь, что разработчики тяжело работали, чтобы всё усвоилось и было понятно и доступно.

ГДЗ для 11 класса, английский язык, Биболетова, Unit 1, Section 2

Упражнения для изучающих английский язык с ответами.

Enjoy English Workbook 1

Unit 1 What do young people face in society today?
Section 1 »
Section 2
Exercise 1. Listen to the text and complete the table.

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QuestionsYour answers before listeningYour answers after listening
1. How fast is the world’s population growing?
2. What per cent of the world’s population lives in cities?
3. How many people travel by aeroplane?
4. Is China’s booming economy leading to new trends in global tourism?
5. Are some parts of the world cut off from the internet?
6. Which are the world’s major religions?
7. Does Hollywood really win against Bollywood?
8. What has been the impact of the population boom in developing countries?
9. Which country leads the way in allowing young people to vote?
10. What is one of the most significant problems in education today?
11. And finally, who could be hit worst by one of the biggest problems of today’s information society, that is, junk e-mail?

Упражнение 1. Прослушайте текст и заполните таблицу.

1. As of 2006, the world population stood at 6. 5 billion people and will grow to seven billion in about six years. Ninety-nine per cent of this growth will be in developing countries. (Population Reference Bureau)
2. In 2007, the majority of the world’s population were living in cities for the first time in human history. (United Nations Population Division)
3. The world’s airlines carried a total of 1.7 billion passengers or the equivalent of 25% of the global population, as of 2003. Of this total, over 500 million people travelled on international flights and more than one billion on domestic flights. (International Civil Aviation Organization)
4. The number of Chinese tourists going abroad, at 16.6 million, outnumbered that of tourists from Japan for the first time in 2002. (World Tourism Organization)
5. Less than 2% of the population of the Middle East had access to the internet as of 2004. (The 9/11 Commission Report)
6. Of the world’s major religions, Christianity has the most adherents, with two billion worldwide. Islam is second, with 1.2 billion followers around the world, Hinduism third (750 million) and Buddhism fourth (500 million). (BBC)
7. India was the top film-producing nation in the world, with 1,200 films — more than the next four countries combined. The United States ranked second, with 543 films, as of 2002. (New York Times Book Review)
8. The number of people younger than 24 years of age in developing countries today is larger than the entire world population was 50 years ago. (The Washington Post)
9. Iran’s voting age is 15 — the youngest in the world. (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
10. As of 2004, the world average for adult illiteracy is 20.6%. (The Washington Post)
11. Bill Gates, the Chairman of Microsoft, receives four million pieces of e-mail a day — most of it junk mail. (USA Today)

Exercise 2. Fill in the table.

Упражнение 2. Заполните таблицу.



Exercise 3. Match the opposite words.

Упражнение 3. Соотнесите слова с противоположным значением.

booming — falling
supporter — opponent
significantly — slightly
national — global
improvement — deterioration
increase — decrease

Exercise 4. Match the words to make meaningful expressions. Each word can be used once only.

Упражнение 4. Соотнесите слова, чтобы создать осмысленные выражения. Каждое слово может быть использовано только один раз.

multinational corporations
global village
improved technology
controversial idea
increasing concern
trade deals

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
crush inflation influence concern exploitation
non-accountable dependent diverse lessens observe

1. Anti-globalist leaders say that they want to raise people’s ___ for the environment and their national economies.
2. According to the opponents of globalisation global companies ___ national companies and make the country’s economy ___ on the world big businesses.
3. Supporters of globalisation insist that global companies help fight ___ and create new jobs, which ___ the unemployment rate.
4. Global companies’ managers say that they ___ the human rights of their employees and offer them good compensation for their work.
5. Anti-globalists insist that when big money is involved, corporations become ___ and it’s very difficult to fine them for the ___ of immigrants or for child labour.
6. Supporters of globalisation explain that nowadays, due to modern technologies and communications, no country can escape the ___ of other countries’ economies.
7. Consumers are usually quite happy with the effect of globalisation as global trade creates ___ local markets.

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.

1. concern
2. crush, dependent
3. inflation, lessens
4. observe
5. non-accountable, exploitation
6. influence
7. diverse

Exercise 6. Cross out one word which doesn’t normally go with the word in bold.

Упражнение 6. Вычеркните одно слово, которое обычно не используется со словом, выделенным жирным шрифтом.

a) technology; b) culture.

Exercise 7. Use the words from the box and write expressions with the following adjectives.
economy   development   tourism   country   market   argument   construction
proposal   business   idea   issue   policy   decision   investment   person   film

Упражнение 7. Используя слова из рамки, запишите выражения со следующими прилагательными.

controversial idea, issue, policy, proposal, decision, film, argument, person
booming economy, development, tourism, market*, construction, business*, country*, investment

Note: the words marked with * can be used with both adjectives.
(Внимание: слова, помеченные значком *, могут использоваться с обоими прилагательными).

Exercise 8. Make up sentences from the words.

1. improve / New technologies / different countries / the standard of living / in
2. their qualifications / who want to upgrade / The number of people / or take retrain courses / is rising
3. Communication technologies / people / and the number of internet users / over very long distances / is growing constantly / connect
4. between companies / the market more diverse / Fair competition / improves / and makes / the quality of goods

Упражнение 8. Составьте предложения из приведенных слов.

1. New technologies improve the standard of living in different countries.
2. The number of people who want to upgrade their qualifications or take retrain courses is rising.
3. Communication technologies connect people over very long distances and the number of internet users is growing constantly.
4. Fair competition between companies improves the quality of goods and makes the market more diverse.

Exercise 9. Read the descriptions of negative changes and underline the change-verbs. Write about positive changes in the corresponding spheres.

1. The environment is deteriorating due to people’s industrial activity and overconsumption.
2. Robot technologies decrease the number of unskilled workers, which can lead to an increase in the unemployment rate.
3. The internet technologies lessen the need for face-to-face communication and, as a result, people feel lonely.
4. According to the survey, lots of people think that educational standards in schools are falling and it can cause qualified labour shortage in the near future.

Упражнение 9. Прочитайте описания негативных изменений и подчеркните глаголы, обозначающие изменения. Напишите о положительных переменах в соответствующих сферах.

(possible answer)
1. Modern technologies can lessen the negative impact on the environment.
2. Robot technologies decrease the number of dangerous and hard jobs so that people could do more creative and safer jobs.
3. The number of people who use the internet to communicate with their far-away relatives and friends is increasing because it’s cheap and fast.
4. The number of people who work and study at the same time is growing.

Exercise 10. Complete the table with the phrases below.

to be against something
to approve of something
to be in favour of something
to be negative towards something
to be positive towards something
to disapprove of something
to oppose something
to support something

Phrases to support and to oppose an idea

Упражнение 10. Заполните таблицу нижеприведенными фразами.

Phrases to support and to oppose an idea
to approve of somethingto be against something
to be in favour of somethingto be negative towards something
to be positive towards somethingto disapprove of something
to support somethingto oppose something


Exercise 11. Listen to a radio programme and complete the following sentences.

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1. The research wanted to find out what teenagers thought about globalisation because ___.
2. The research wanted to check two hypotheses:
a) Teenagers are ___.
They want to consume ___.
They want to learn more about ___.
b) Teenagers are ___.
They are not interested in ___.
3. The teenagers were from ___ to ___ years old.
4. They were from ___, ___, ___ and ___.
5. The results of the research suggest that ___.

Упражнение 11. Прослушайте радиопрограмму и дополните следующие предложения.

(possible answer)
1. …they are the first people to live in the global world.
2. a) …natural globalists.
…more goods and ideas.
…other cultures.
b) …afraid of globalisation.
…immigration, trade and diplomatic relations.
3. 14 to 18.
4. …New York, Lebanon, Azerbaijan and the Philippines.
5. …teenagers are in favour of globalisation.

Exercise 12. Read the conversation and use the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms.

A: I heard the information in the morning news about an anti-globalist demonstration in our town.
B: ___ (1) you? Really? I never though that anything of the kind could ever happen in out quiet place. And what do they want? (DO)
A: They protest against the construction of an international airport near our town. They say that intense air traffic ___ (2) the environment and can be dangerous to local people. (AFFECT)
B: ___ (3) air pollution? (THEY/MEAN)
A: Not only. They say that noise pollution is very bad for people too.
B: This argument is difficult to beat. And what does our Civic Council say?
A: They seem to be for that project. They say that it ___ (4) the economic and social situation in the town and in the whole region. (IMPROVE)
B: And it’s probably true. I know that several businesses in the region ___ (5) bankrupt and lots of people ___ (6) their jobs recently. Constructing the airport and then running it ___ (7) plenty of new jobs and ___ (8) the unemployment. (GO, LOSE, CREATE, LESSEN)
A: I’m not sure it will. Only people with appropriate qualifications ___ (9) for those jobs. And people here don’t meet the requirements, I’m afraid. (REQUIRE)
B: But they can obtain necessary qualifications. They can take a retraining course. I think people will agree to learn again if afterwards they ___ (10) well-paid jobs. (OFFER)
A: Right. And a good transportation centre ___ (11) the economy of the region in general. (REINFORCE)
B: But how about ecology and pollution?
A: I don’t know, really… The airport is a very controversial issue…

Упражнение 12. Прочитайте диалог и поставьте глаголы, набранные ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ БУКВАМИ, в подходящую форму.

1. Did
2. will affect
3. Do they mean
4. will improve
5. have gone / went
6. have lost / lost
7. will create
8. will lessen / lessen
9. are required / will be required
10. are offered
11. will reinforce

Exercise 13. Listen to a radio programme and complete the following statements.

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1. Sociologists designed ___ to analyse and describe migration.
2. In terms of migration, they divide countries into two groups: ___ and ___.
3. Leaving one country, migrants are looking for ___ in another.
4. The most serious push factors that make people emigrate are ___. These are ___ and ___.
5. Other push factors that should be taken into consideration are ___ and ___.
6. There are global factors that make people migrate, for example, ___ and ___.
7. The most important pull factors are ___.

Упражнение 13. Прослушайте радиопрограмму и дополните следующие утверждения.

(possible answer)
1. push-pull model
2. sending, receiving
3. benefits
4. economic, lack of jobs, poverty
5. political, religious (persecution)
6. environmental problems, natural disasters
7. higher standards of living / higher wages

Exercise 14. Complete an essay on how people feel about globalisation.

The globalization process is a very controversial and debatable issue. Does it do good or harm to ordinary people? There are different opinions about it.
Supporters of the global world believe that ___
Anti-globalists’ arguments are convincing too. ___
The debates between globalists and anti-globalists are likely to continue in the near future. The issue is very controversial and there are lots of arguments for and against the process. Globalization, meanwhile, is progressing and seems to be turning into an irreversible process.

Упражнение 13. Дополните эссе на тему того, как люди относятся к глобализации.

(possible answer)
The globalization process is a very controversial and debatable issue. Does it do good or harm to ordinary people? There are different opinions about it.
Supporters of the global world believe that the process of globalization is a process that cannot be stopped. It is an obvious stage of the world’s evolution. Besides they found a lot of other advantages of globalization. Among them are wide variety of goods on the markets, quick exchange of information and etc.
Anti-globalists’ arguments are convincing too. First of all it is the threat for national economies. It is clear that industries of small countries may suffer from huge global corporation. The other point is that our world may become less diverse because of globalization. That means more boring.
The debates between globalists and anti-globalists are likely to continue in the near future. The issue is very controversial and there are lots of arguments for and against the process. Globalization, meanwhile, is progressing and seems to be turning into an irreversible process.

Класс 12 [Единица: 2] Упражнение и ответ

Грамматика [Страница: 14]

Модальные глаголы

A. Внимательно изучите данные предложения.

а. Пожалуйста, прочитайте это письмо для меня. я без очков не вижу.

б. Проработав пару лет в Китае я могу говорить по-китайски сейчас.

в. В 40 лет он мог заработать шесть цифра зарплата.

д. После шестичасового восхождения мы были удалось достичь вершины.

эл. Вчера я потерял ключи. Я посмотрел для них везде, но я не мог найти.

B. Выберите лучший ответ, чтобы закончить предложения.

а. ‘Сколько стоил твой парковочный билет?’ «Пятьдесят рупий». «Ну что ж, было………было и хуже».

и. мог бы иметь

ii. должен иметь

iii. должен have

→ ‘Сколько стоит ваш парковочный талон?’ ’50 рупий. ‘Ну ладно, это мог бы быть хуже.

б. Это …………. заблудился в пост. Такие вещи иногда случаются.

и. не может иметь

ii. может быть есть

iii. должен есть

→ Это может быть потерялись на почте. Такие вещи иногда случаются.


c. «Извините, что опоздал. я задержался на работе. ‘Вы назвали. Я очень беспокоился о тебе.

и. должно быть

ii. мог есть

iii. было бы have

→ «Извините, что опоздал. я задержался на работе.’ «Вы могли позвонить . Я очень беспокоился о тебе.


d. ‘Я не думаю, что он хотел быть грубым. «Он ……… извинился».

и. должен иметь

ii. может быть есть

iii. было бы have

→ ‘Я не думаю, что он хотел быть грубый.’ «Он , должно быть, извинился».


e. «Чья подпись это?’ ‘Я не знаю. Это ……….. Маноджа. Это немного похоже на М.’

и. должен

ii. может

iii. должен

→ ‘Чья это подпись?’ ‘Я не знаю. может быть Маноджа. Это немного похоже на М.’


ф. У меня было это, когда я ушел офис, поэтому я ………. потерял по дороге домой.

и. не должен есть

ii. должен иметь

iii. должен есть

→ он у меня был, когда я выходил из офиса так что я должен потеряли это по дороге домой.


г. Вы ……….. думаете, что это забавно, но я думаю, что это жалко.

и. может

ii. должен

iii. мог

→ ты мог думаю, что это смешно, но я думаю, что это жалко.


C. Дополните следующие предложения соответствующими окончания. Используйте правильные модальные глаголы.

Пример: Она может быть врач; Однако,…………….…………… .

Она могла бы быть врачом; однако она предпочла быть адвокатом .

а. В конце конечно, …………….……………

→ В конце курса она могла бы ответить на вопрос .


б. Если вы хотите заработать много денег, ……………………………………..

→ Если вы хотите заработать много денег, вы должны много работать.


c. Вы не были в своем дом вчера. Вы …………………………

→ Вчера вас не было дома. Вы должны иметь ушел на вечеринку .


d. я очень занят завтра. Я …………………………………………

→ Завтра я очень занят. Я

не могу дать вам время.


e. Когда ты был маленький ребенок …………………………………. .

→ Когда ты был маленьким ребенком ты мог быть непослушным.


ф. Моя машина разбита. я …………………………………………….

→ Моя машина сломалась. Я не могу вовремя добраться до офиса.


г. у меня быстро быстрый интернет дома. Я ………………………….

→ У меня дома есть быстрый интернет. Я умею серфить интернет быстро .

ч. Хотя она плохо училась, она ………………………………..

→ Несмотря на то, что она плохо училась, она могла получить хорошую оценку .


i. Есть много газеты в библиотеке. Вы ……………………………………….. если хотите.

→ В библиотеке много газет. Вы

может читать газета , если хотите.


к. Что вы думаете вы делали, играли в дороге? Ты …………….

→ Как вы думаете, что вы делали, играя на дороге? Вы может быть сбит транспортными средствами.

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