Текст по английскому 9 класс: Тексты для чтения на английском языке для 9 класса

Тексты для экзамена 9 класс | Материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме:

School of the air

The huge distances in Australia are also a problem if you want to go to school, especially in Alice Springs. Alice Springs is in the very centre of Australia and is surrounded by the outback. Many of the families live in remote stations, hours from the town. Alice Springs School of the Air was the first of its kind in Australia. It used the radio to broadcast lessons to students in isolated farms. It was based on the same idea as the Flying Doctors.

Many of the students live on cattle stations but they also come from Aboriginal communities, camel farms, national parks, mining camps, road houses, remote police stations and tourist ventures. The students use transceivers (two-way radios), TVs, video recorders, CD recorders, computers and satellite technology on order to follow and complete lessons. Eight to ten students meet for a 30-minute lesson every day. Each student also has short individual sessions with the teacher to discuss how they are progressing and any problems they may have. They spend a maximum of three hours a week on the radio and most of the work is done via email at home.

The  Alice Springs School of the Air has a Sports Carnival once a year where all the students, their families and the teachers can meet each other.

A web of lies?

The incredible growth of the Internet over recent years has caused problems for parents and teachers. Parents worry about which sites their children spend time on, who they chat to online and the possible effects that computer games might have on them. For teachers, meanwhile, the main worry is the way the Internet makes cheating easier!

Schools and universities say there has been a huge increase in plagiarism – taking other people’s words and ideas and pretending that they are your own. In the past, anyone who wanted to copy had to go to a library, find the right book, read through them, find the sections they needed and then physically write down the words they wanted to use. Nowadays, though, students can simply copy extracts from websites – while really desperate students sometimes copy whole essays! As if this wasn’t bad enough, sites offering to actually do homework – at a price – have also started appearing.

Despite all this, we shouldn’t assume that the Internet only brings problems. Indeed, you could say that for every problem the Internet creates, it also brings a solution. Parents can now use sophisticated controls to stop kids accessing sites that might do them harm, whilst new software helps teachers to detect copied work immediately.

One of the hardest things for teachers today is deciding how to mix modern technology with traditional study skills and how best to use the Web in class. As more and more schools install computers in every classroom, the role of the teacher is changing. Making sure students don’t just copy things and do learn how to quote copied work properly is part of their job, but so is designing  suitable projects.

Living well around the world

According to a recent UNICEFF report, the Netherlands is the best place in the world to be a child, while the UK is the worst! The report looked at areas like health, income of parents and education, but also did research into how children felt about their lives – and why.

Several reasons for the country’s success are suggested: there are plenty of parks, play spaces and facilities for the young; the percentage of mothers who work is quite low; parents and teachers put less pressure on their children at school and don’t worry about their children’s grades; families are generally very open and they talk about everything. Because parents are more liberal, teenage issues that sometimes cause arguments in stricter societies aren’t usually a problem in Holland. Here’s what Dutch children say:

My parents spend a lot of time with me. We eat together three times a day and I often go to the park with my mum to play. We’re very close. (Margot, 6)

I really enjoy school most of the time. I hardly ever get bored and the other people in my classes are usually really nice and friendly. If I have a problem, there’s a special teacher I can talk to, which is great. (Robin, 13)

My parents are great. They help me a lot and they never force me to do things I don’t want to do. My life is very free, so I don’t need to get angry with my parents. The only problem is that now I’m older, they want me to look after myself more – and that’s difficult. (Ysbrand, 16)

It only takes Juan Mann to change the world!

In the modern world, it is not unusual for people to feel depressed or isolated. It can be hard to make meaningful connections with others. That was how “Juan Mann” felt – until the day he decided to start giving free hugs. What started as a desperate attempt to change his own life has transformed him into an international star, thanks to the power of the Internet!

On returning to Sydney, Australia, in early 2004, after travelling in Europe, Mann had a miserable year in which his parents divorced and he found himself lonely and out of work. It was a depressing  time . “I was alone. My family was elsewhere; my friends had all moved on. It was just me and I had to do something,” said the famous hugger, who goes by the name of Juan Mann (“One Mann”), but who keeps his true identity secret.

“And I sat around for months doing nothing. Noticing, just watching the world. I didn’t have a lot of contact with people. I was just on my own. And I thought I would try to step out of that and try and do something different.”

And something different is exactly what he did! Mann went to one of Sydney’s main shopping districts holding a cardboard sign saying “Free hugs”- and waited. He expected to last an hour at the most and asked a friend to come along to protect him, and left his wallet at home.

After 15 minutes, however, a woman approached and told him that her dog had died that morning and that was also the first anniversary of the death of her daughter, and that she really needed a hug. Mann was happy to help!

His “Free Hugs” campaign continued quietly for a couple of years until a friend made a film of him and posted it on You Tube, the online video sharing site. Since then, it has been seen by over 14 million people and fans have started copying him. Last year, the video clip was named the most inspiring on the site.

Terrible jobs not a thing of the past

The Channel Four series The Worst Jobs in History returns this week with the nineteenth century. Among the jobs that will be looked at are the rat catcher, (which involved killing rats by hand) and boot boy (endlessly cleaning and polishing the shoes of the rich). It would be easy to think that such terrible jobs were a thing of the past, but the reality is that they have largely been replaced by other jobs where you might be exposed to dangerous chemicals or have to put up with high levels of noise; where you might die of boredom – or simply die!

Call centre worker. Many banks and other companies have call centres abroad where customers can ring for information or to complain. Levels of stress among workers are very high. They often work in cramped conditions, have to stare at a computer all day, and have little opportunity to laugh or joke with their co-workers.

One worker, from an Indian call centre, said, “People can be very abusive. They shout and swear, but often there is nothing you can do about their complaint. They then slam down the phone, and another person calls you straightaway. It’s awful. I’d like to leave, but the money’s quite good and there’s a lot of competition for jobs here in Mumbai.

Recycling plant worker. You are supposed to sort your own rubbish and put glass in one bag, paper in another, but unfortunately many people still do not do this. So workers in a recycling plant have to find the recyclable items from a big pile of rubbish and all for a minimum wage. Apart from the smell, they have to handle dirty nappies, rotting meat, used needles. “I’ve heard of people catching hepatitis from working in those places”, says Solomon Iwenofu. “I did it for a while when I first arrived in America. I actually got on with the people working there. We used to laugh about some of the things we found. After a while, I even got used to being dirty all the time, but, you know, I wanted to do better for myself and my family.

The Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Each summer in Scotland’s capital, Edinburgh , there is an explosion of events that is known collectively as the Edinburgh Festival. However, there is no single event called the Edinburgh Festival. For about three weeks from August to early September the city hosts several different festivals. Before making travel arrangements and booking accommodation visitors should check exact dates, as these do vary. The Edinburgh Festival phenomenon started life in 1947 and continues to grow.

The Edinburgh Military Tattoo. This is the highlight of the festival for many visitors and is held in the marvelous grounds of Edinburgh Castle itself. Spectators can watch and listen to the best military bands from Britain and the Commonwealth countries. This amazing spectacle of performers in traditional regimental dress marching and playing music delights over two hundred thousand spectators every summer. If you want tickets for this you’d better book well in advance, as it sells out very quickly. It is particularly popular with visitors from the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia who are keen to re-establish contact with their Scottish roots.

There is also the International Book Festival where famous writers and poets read and talk about their work. The novelist JK Rowling, creator of the Harry Potter books, has appeared here. There is also the  Edinburgh Annual Art Festival and the International Film Festival, which takes place in June. The latest arrival of the Edinburgh festival scene is the New Comedy Festival which made its first appearance in 2008.


Sport is not just for participants; it’s for spectators too. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sports events on television, or at stadium. People enjoy being “fans” or supporters of one team or one particular sport personality, and many professionals are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood film stars.

Spectators particularly enjoy watching international matches and contests, and events such as Olympic Games or the Football World Cup attract more and more spectators as time goes by.

The most  popular spectator sport is football. Football is played on a Saturday afternoon in most British towns and the fans or supporters of a particular team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play.

Many other sports are played in Britain including golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; cricket, in which you try to knock a ball through some hoops; basketball, in which you try to get a ball through a net; tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent cannot hit it.

The British are great lovers of all competitive sports; and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them, or when they cannot do that, to think about them.



Films and Television

I think that TV is fast and reliable news service. We can be well-informed about other cultures, watch other countries. News help people keep up with trends.

But on the other hand TV is not good for people. It’s normal nowadays, to watch children gaping at the screen all day long, and they stare until their eyes pop out.

I watch TV very seldom because I haven’t much free time. I try to watch TV news every day in the morning before I go to my work. Sometimes on weekends when I meet with my friends we watch entertaining TV programs such as “6 kadrov”, “Comedy club”, “KVN”. But best of all I like the program which is called “Travel club”, because it gives me a chance to travel to another world without living my house. Far away countries and their customs and traditions come into my room.

As for films I prefer to watch science fiction films rather than detective and horror films. For example, I like “Lord of the rings”, “Back to the future”, “Night watch”, because these films give me some kind of relaxation.

I also like our old films such as “Priclucheniya Shurica”, “Kavkazskaya plennica”. I think these films are the best because we can watch them many times.

Tips for Language Learning

Anyone who has studied a foreign language knows how difficult it is to become really fluent. The way a language is spoken in the classroom is often different than the more informal style used in everyday life. Here are some suggestions to help you practice your language skills.

Find a conversation partner. Try to find someone that is a native speaker, and ask him or her to meet with you regularly to have conversations in that language. This is a great way to get experience, talking to someone with whom you feel comfortable. Maybe you can offer to help your partner learn your native language also.

Watch some TV. Try to find a foreign language TV station and watch often. At first the actors will seem to speak too quickly, but try to recognize a few words or phrases. Later it’ll become easier to follow dialogues.

If you are visiting a foreign country and trying to learn the language, you’ll want to take every opportunity to go out and practice. Each day make a habit of going into place like a shop, restaurant or bank. Successfully making a purchase or getting information in a foreign language will help you become more confident. As you become more comfortable in these kinds of situations, you can try to engage others in a bit of casual conversation-a comment about the weather, for example.


English meals

Frankly we, the British, are often criticized for the food we have, our cuisine doesn’t enjoy the best of reputations in the world.

I, for one, think that food is not so important. The main problem is not to eat too much and to keep fit.

Being Miss England, certainly, means being slim. I have to be on a slimming diet. Though “have (to)”is not the right word.

I enjoy my diet. My motto is: “We don’t live to eat, we eat to live.”

I believe a lot of people in this country are constantly overeating. Most of them have four good meals a day.

And the famous English breakfast! It is often called a cooked breakfast wich it really is.

Can you fancy eating at a time porridge or cornflakes or some other kind of cereal, bacon or ham, eggs toasts, rolls, jam or marmalade and tea or coffee to finish with? It’s too much of a good thing, isn’t? I prefer continental breakfast, that is just a cup of coffee and a roll. Now many people in Britain have the same, especially on weekdays when they are hurrying to their work.

Healthy body, healthy mind

Sitting around in front of the TV or computer all day makes you put on weight and feel tired. Regular physical activity burns calories and gives you more energy. Personally, if I don’t go running two or three times week, I feel terrible. When teenagers exercise, they notice that their school work improves because they are prepared mentally. So exercise can improve your grades, too!

Which activity to choose? The key to success is to take up something that challenges you and that you can still imagine yourself doing the future. If you want to be good at anything, from playing a musical instrument to learning a foreign language, you have to work hard and practice. Sport is no different, so if you go in for a sport you like, then there’s a good chance that you’ll carry on with it. Resist pressure from your parents to play their dream sport. In nine cases out of ten you’ll give up if you don’t enjoy it.

Team or individual? Most sports build physical ability, strength and coordination, but team sports can teach a sense of fair play and develop leadership and other social skills. But if you can’t stand the idea of teams, choose an individual sport like swimming, gymnastics or weightlifting.

h3O – this precious liquid

Water is everywhere. It covers 70 per cent of the world’s surface and makes up 60 per cent of the human body. According to the United Nations, we need five liters of water a day just to survive, and another 50 liters for cooking, washing and sanitation. Yet only three per cent of the planet’s water is fresh – and most of this is frozen in the Antarctic and Greenland. Even so, there is still enough water for the Earth’s 6.5 billion people.

Global warming is having some strange effects on weather and rainfall, and causing an increase in the number of hurricanes. What’s more, rain is falling in the wrong places, with serious consequences – Australia now has a permanent drought, and in parts of Africa people have to dig deeper wells as the underground lakes that supply them are running dry. As usual, it is the poorest people in the world who suffer the most. One billion people worldwide are hungry because they don’t have enough water to grow food. Polluted drinking water is the main cause of infant mortality.

Fortunately, there are people who believe that access to clean water is a basic human right. The other day a friend gave me a key ring. The key ring was from the Polish humanitarian organization “I collect Water”. “I collect Water” organizes workshops for students, provides teachers with educational materials, sells “Water for Africa” key rings and T-shirts, and collects donations from people and businesses. Before, the idea of this precious liquid being easily available, was just a dream, but the campaign “I collect Water” has given many people access to clean water for the first time.

Tourism: Reading

Coconut Island is a beautiful, tropical island with, of course, coconut palms, golden beaches and clear blue sea. I’m sorry, I made a mistake there. Coconut Island was a beautiful island.

There are still coconut palms, golden beaches and clear blue sea but not like before.So, what happened?

Well, the beach is full of people, sunbeds and umbrellas. The sea is full of speedboats, noisy jets skis and surfers. There are fewer palm trees because there are more and more buildings. Hotels, holiday resorts, guest houses, restaurants, swimming pools…you name it, Coconut Island has it. Paradise is no longer here, but the Paradise Hotel is.

Perhaps I’m the only one who has a problem with this? The tourists seem happy: the weather is wonderful, the food is tasty and cheap, and the sea is warm. The local people seem happy: there are many people selling things on the beach, there are lots more jobs and better roads. The developers are certainly happy, there is building work everywhere. So, why am I unhappy?

Well, I have a friend who was here five years ago. Her photo album is full of wonderful pictures of empty beaches. Also she has pictures of small, wooden bungalows on the beach. No need to book, she said, just turn up and you have the place to yourself-very basic, very cheap, very quiet and very peaceful.

Not anymore! The beach is never empty-it’s packed all day! There is music blaring from the cafes, children

expensive. Most of the hotels are full of holidaymakers who booked their trip months ago. I’m lucky to have a small room at the back of one hotel, and it’s still expensive.

Is this progress?

Books are cool

Young people in England have come third in a worldwide survey of reading skills. In a survey of teens’ favourite leisure activities reading came fourth( after watching TV, hanging out with friends and playing computer games). On average, teenagers read ten books for pleasure each year. This is largely due to an increase in the number of quality books now available for teenagers readers. After the success of the Harry Potter books publishers have realised that there is big money in books for young people.

Two teenage brothers from Cornwall, Chris and Tim Cross, have set up their own website, Cool-reads, to reviews of all the latest books. They rate books using a star system so you can see at a glance if it’s going to be a good or bad read. The site is a huge success with up to one million hits a month. Publishing companies that specialise in teen books always check the site to see if readers like latest books.

Boot Camp

The world’s first ever boot camp for teenagers addicted to the Internet is in South Korea. It provides a mixture of millitary-style physical exercise and rehabilitation. The teenagers climb over assault courses and learn how to ride horses as well as participate in workshops such as pottery and drumming.

The aim is to cure them of their obsessive use of computers in a country with almost universal internet access. Concern over compulsive internet use is growing in South Korea where 90 per cent of homes have high-speed broadband connections and some online games players die from exhaustion after playing for days on end.

Psychiatrists estimate that up to 30 per cent of South Koreans are at risk of internet addiction. The rescue camp in woodland near the capital Seoul treats the most severe cases-they’re all male. During the 12-day sessions participants can’t use a computer and can only use their mobile phones for one hour a day.

Тексты на английском языке для чтения в 9 классе



   In 1608 an Englishman, Thomas Coryate  by name, was in Italy. He liked the country and wrote down everything which he found interesting.

   But there was one thing which he thought more interesting than any others.

   On one of the pages Thomas wrote: »When the Italians eat meat, they use forks. They do not eat meat with hands, they say, people do not always have clean hands».

   Before Thomas Coryate went to England, he bought a few forks.

   When he got home, Thomas Coryate gave a dinner party to show the forks to his friends. When the servants put the meat on the table, he took out a fork and began to eat like the Italians.

   Everybody looked at him. When he told his friends what it was, they all wanted to take a good look at the strange thing. All his friends said that the Italians were very strange, because the fork was very inconvenient.

   But Thomas Coryate didn’t agree with them. He said it was not nice to eat meat with the fingers, because people didn’t always have clean hands.

    Everybody was angry at this. Did Mr. Coryate think that people in England didn’t always have clean hands? And weren’t the ten fingers we had enough for us?

   Thomas Coryate wanted to show  that it was very easy to use the fork. But the first piece of meat he took with the fork fell to the table. His friends began to laugh and he had to take the fork away.

   Fifty years passed before people in England began to use forks.


   Слова и выражения:

inconvenient — неудобный



















   Once upon a time in a small village there lived a young man.

His name was Jack. He had a wife and old parents. The family was so poor that there were no nice things in their house.

   One day Jack went to town to look for a job.

   Some time passed and he came back with a box full of presents for everybody. He gave his mother a shawl, his father a warm cap and a shirt, his wife a beautiful dress.

   All of them liked the presents very much and were glad to have them. But Jack’s wife wanted to know what else there was in the box.

   So, when Jack went to see his friends, she opened the box and  saw a beautiful young woman in it.

   She got very angry and began to cry. When her father-in-law heard it, he asked why she was crying. She told him she was so angry because there was a young woman in the box.

   The old man thought it was strange and decided to look at the young woman. But when he opened the box, he saw no young woman there.   An old man was looking at him from the box.

   Jack’s father told his daughter-in-law there was an old man in the box and not a young woman. But she didn’t believe him and went on crying. She said Jack didn’t love her.

   When Jack’s mother heard the young woman’s story, she didn’t believe her either. She looked into the box and saw an old woman there.

   So they began to look into the box in turn and Jack’s wife saw a beautiful woman, Jack’s father saw an old man, and Jack’s mother saw an old woman there.

   Soon Jack returned home, and when he came into the room, he saw his wife, his mother and father at the box.

He laughed at them because they didn’t know what they saw in the box.

   What was there in the box? Can you   guess?


    Слова и выражения:

 a shawl -шаль

a father-in-law -свёкор

a daughter-in law -невестка, сноха

to guess — догадываться









   Weddings are associated with many traditions. The date of a wedding is very important. May is traditionally unlucky for weddings. But today many young people in England marry between Easter and May.

   For every bride her wedding dress is very important. At most weddings brides get married in white. People think that many other colours are unlucky, for example, green, yellow and red, but the bride can be dressed in blue.

   They say that the bride’s dress must have «something old and something new». «Old» means the past, «new» means the future.

    Even a modern bride will not wear her dress before the wedding. The groom mustn’t see her before the ceremony in the wedding dress. The bride can’t try on her veil at the same time as the dress. Many brides put it on for the first time on the day of the wedding. Some brides even believe that the wedding dress mustn’t be finished until the wedding morning.

   An important thing is a wedding cake. Today the cake is first cut by the bride. They say that pieces of cake bring good luck.


      Слова и выражения:

 a wedding — свадьба

 a groom — жених

 a bride — невеста

 a veil — фата




















   Mr. and Mrs. Williams had always spent their summer holidays in England in the past, in a small boarding-house at the seaside. One year, however, Mr. Williams made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to Rome and stay at a really good hotel while they went around and saw the sights of that famous city.

   They flew to Rome, and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in the boarding houses they had been used to in the past, no meals were served after seven o’clock in the evening. They were therefore surprised when the clerk who received them in the hall of the hotel asked them whether they would be taking dinner there that night.

  «Are you still serving dinner then?» asked Mrs. Williams.

   «Yes, certainly, madam,» answered the clerk. «We serve it until half past nine.»

   «What are the times of meals then?» asked Mr. Williams.

   «Well, sir,» answered the clerk, «we serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from  six to half past nine.


   «But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of Rome!» said Mrs. Williams in a disappointed voice.


Слова и выражения


boarding-house — пансионат

to go around — ходить, путешествовать (по городу)

to see the sights — осматривать достопримечательности

to be used to -иметь привычку к чему-либо

to serve meals — подавать еду на стол

hardly -едва, вряд ли

disapрointed — разочарованный















   Once upon a time there lived two sisters. The elder sister had a son. The boy was one year old. The two women loved the boy dearly.

   One day the sisters quarreled and at night the younger sister tried to leave the house with the baby. The elder sister saw it and stopped her.

   «You cannot take the boy! He’s my son!» said the elder sister.

   But the younger sister wanted to have the boy very much and she said: «I’ll tell the judge the boy is mine. I love the baby so much that the judge will believe me.»

    So in the morning they went to the judge. Each woman told him that the baby was hers.

   The judge thought a little and then called his servants.

   «Cut the child into two halves and give each woman the half of the boy,» he said.

   The younger sister didn’t say a word, but the elder sister told the judge: «I’m not the child’s mother. Give him to my sister and let him live.»

   The judge then said to the servants: «Give the boy to the elder sister. She is the real mother.»


 Слова и выражения:

      To quarrel — ссориться

       a judge — судья

       a servant -слуга






















   Mrs. Black was having a lot of troubles with her skin, so she went to her doctor about it. He couldn’t find anything wrong with her, however,  he sent her to the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests direct to Mrs. Black’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her the list of the things that he thought she shouldn’t eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.

   Mrs. Black carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to the ladies meeting.

   When she got back home two hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said: » Hullo, dear. I have done all your shopping for you.»

    «Done all my shopping?» she asked in surprise. «But how did you know what I wanted?»

   «Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone,” answered her husband, «so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down. «

   Of course Mrs. Black had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor didn’t allow her to eat.


                              Слова и выражения

local- местный

to send smth. direct — направить что-либо прямо, непосредственно куда-либо

cause- причина, источник

skin trouble — болезнь кожи

package — свёрток

shopping list — список покупок

to allow — позволять, разрешать















   It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxies were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk but found he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr. Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk there. The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He went along the street, turned down another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way.

   «It was wonderful,» he said. «How did you find the way in this fog?»

   «It was no trouble at all to me,» said the stranger. «I am blind.»


      Слова и выражения:

fog — туман

the House of Commons — палата общин

blind — слепой























   This is a story about a well-know millionaire, John D. Rockfeller, and was told by a friend of his. This friend said that though Rockfeller gave away millions, Rockfeller himself was very mean about small sums of money.

   One day he went to stay at a hotel in New York and asked for the cheapest room they had.  Rockfeller said, «What is the price of the room?» The manager told him.

   «And which floor is it on?» Again the manager told him.

   «Is this the lowest priced room you have? I am  staying here by myself and only need a small room.»

   The manager said, «That room is the smallest and the cheapest we have,» and added, «But why do you choose a poor room like that? When your son stays here he always has our most expensive room; yours is our cheapest.»

   «Yes,» said Rockfeller, «but his father is a wealthy man; mine isn’t.»


Слова и выражения:

mean- скупой



























   Jack, an old sailor who spent many years in the Navy, was walking along the country road when he came to a farm house. The farmer was standing at the door and Jack said, » I have been walking all day looking for work. Will you give me a job?»

   «Have you ever done any farm work?» said the farmer.

   «No,» said Jack. ”I have been a sailor all my life, but I will do any job you like to give me.»

   «All right,» said the farmer. «I’ll give you a chance. Do you see that flock of sheep scattered over the hillside?»

   »Yes,» answered Jack.

   »Well,» said the farmer. »Get them all through that gate and into the yard.»

    «Right,» said Jack. »I’ll do that.»

   About an hour later the farmer went to the yard. Jack was leaning on the gate wiping his forehead.

   »Did you get them all?» said the farmer.

   »Yes,» said Jack. The farmer looked around to be  sure enough all the sheep were gathered in the yard and the gate was shut. Then the farmer saw a hare running round among the sheep. The sailor saw that he was looking at it.

   »Yes,» he said, »that little fellow there gave me more trouble than all the rest put together. »


  Слова и выражения:


the Navy – морской флот

a flock — стадо

to be scattered — быть разбросанным

hillside — склон холма

to lean — опираться, облокачиваться

to wipe — вытирать

forehead — лоб













   Two men were travelling in a very wild and lonely part of America. For days they had not even seen a house, only a few huts made of wood, or tents made of skins. Then one day they met an old Indian who earned his living by trapping animals for their fur. They found that he knew their language and they had a little conversation with him. One of them asked if he could tell them what the weather would be like  within the next few days.

   »Yes,» he said. »Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow for two days, but after that there will be bright sunshine. »

   »Isn’t that wonderful?» said one man to his friend. »These old Indians know more of the secrets of Nature than we do with all our science. They have not been spoiled by civilization.» Then he turned to the Indian.

   »Tell me,» he said, »how you know all that.»

   The Indian replied: »I heard it on the radio.»


   Слова и выражения:

a hut — хижина

to trap — ставить капканы

fur — мех
























   Once on April, 1, a coach was going along a country road when it suddenly slowed down and stopped. It was full of passengers who anxiously watched the driver turn switchers and press buttons. However it was not of any use. The driver turned to the passengers and said in a sad voice: »This coach is getting old. It doesn’t run as well as it used to some time ago. I am afraid there is only one thing that we could do if we want to get to the place today. I wonder if all of  you  could help me.» The passengers willingly agreed as no one wanted to spend a lot of time in the middle of nowhere.

   The driver said: »So, this is what you do to get the coach to start. I will count three, and when you hear »three» I want you all to lean forward as hard as you can. I hope it will help us. It usually does. Well, ready everyone?» The passengers shouted back to the driver that they were ready, leaned back and waited.

   The driver started to count and as he said »three» everyone leaned forward. And the greatest surprise was that the coach did start! Of course it wasn’t a surprise for the driver and some of the passengers who had already understood that they all had been laughed at. In fact the driver didn’t have to give a merry cry »April Fool» because all the passengers were laughing at the driver’s joke.


Слова и выражения;

 a coach  — междугородный автобус

 anxiously — зд. с надеждой

 willingly — охотно

 to lean — потянуться , вытянуться, откинуться




















   Once a little mouse who was not on very good terms with cats like all mice, decided to give herself a treat of cheese. To do this she had to cross  over to the other side of the kitchen where the table was. She knew the cheese was there because she could feel its wonderful smell. But there was a small problem. The mouse was not sure if there were any cats in the house. She certainly wouldn’t like to run the risk of being eaten so she sat inside the wall  near the mouse hole and listened.

    It must be mentioned that our mouse was not an ordinary one. She was the sort of gifted and she had some logic. She was taught to think twice before doing something to avoid unpleasant consequences. That was why she didn’t hurry.

   At last she heard someone barking. The mouse thought: »It must be a dog. Dogs don’t eat mice, and cats don’t usually live where dogs are. It means I can get to the cheese quite safely.» That was absolutely logical.

   But to the mouse’s greatest surprise as soon as she got out the mouse hole she was attacked by a big cat and eaten in some time. The thing is that it was the cat who was barking. »Indeed, knowing foreign languages can open new possibilities and give you a wider picture of the world,» said the cat to himself and made off a bird’s song.



Слова и выражения:

 to be on terms- быть в каких-либо отношениях

 to give oneself a treat — угоститься, побаловать себя

 to run the risk — подвергаться риску

 gifted — одарённая, талантливая

 to avoid — избежать

 consequences — последствия

 to bark — лаять

 make off — зд. выдать, воспроизвести (в звуке)















   Once a teacher was giving a class a lesson on sports and keeping fit. The class consisted of thirty twelve-year-old boys who usually listened to their teacher attentively. The teacher told them about the importance of keeping fit. They discussed jogging, going to gyms, doing morning exercises. The boys seemed interested,  and the teacher was pleased  they had understood what he was trying to say.

   »Swimming is also helpful if you want to be in a good form. You are lucky if you live near a river or a sea, because you can go swimming every morning, afternoon or evening. The more you swim, the stronger your arms and legs are. Swimming also gives you a lot of energy. I’ve got a friend who lives near a river. Every day he gets up and swims across the river three times before  breakfast. » said the teacher.

   As he looked at the class he noticed that one boy was smiling. »Why are you smiling, Pete? You don’t believe that a trained person  can do that, do you?» asked the teacher. The boy said »Yes, sir, I do. I was just thinking about your friend. I guess he should do that four times.» The teacher was surprised at the boy’s answer. »Why on earth is that?» he asked. »To get back to his clothes and his breakfast,» said the boy.


Слова и выражения:


 attentively — внимательно

 to keep fit — поддерживать форму (спортивную)

  jogging — бег трусцой 




















   Once upon a time a Frenchman was traveling in England. He had only started learning English a month ago so he didn’t speak the language well enough. He thought he knew a lot of grammar, but he knew he had some problems with vocabulary, so he always took a pocket French-English dictionary with him. Apart from that he was rather absent-minded and often left this dictionary at the hotel where he was staying.

   One day he took a trip to Oxford. When he got there he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten  to have his breakfast. He was so hungry that he decided to have a meal in a cafe`. He wanted to take a typical English breakfast — some bacon, eggs, toasts and coffee. When a waiter came up and asked what he would like to order the Frenchman realized in horror that he didn’t remember the English for »eggs». He searched his pockets for the dictionary but it wasn’t there. »What am I to do?» he thought (in French, of course).

   The waiter was looking at the silent customer impatiently. Eventually the Frenchman had an idea. He asked the waiter: »What do you call a bird that makes a cock-a-doodle-doo?» »A cock, sir,» answered the waiter. »And what about his children which have not been born yet?» he went on. »Do you mean eggs?» said the waiter with a smile. »Oh, yes, that’s the word! Bring me two of them, some bacon, toasts and coffee,» replied the Frenchman with relief.


  Слова и выражения:


      vocabulary -словарный запас

      a pocket- карман

      apart from that — несмотря на это

      to search — обыскивать, проверять

      in horror — в ужасе

      silent — безмолвный. молчащий

      impatiently- нетерпеливо

      eventually — случайно

      relief — облегчение

      cock-a-doodle-doo — кукареку










    Once there was a bookseller in a small town who didn’t like to spend his money. One day, when he was working in a shop, heavy box of books fell down on his foot and hurt it. When he told his wife about it, she suggested going to the doctor. But the bookseller refused. He said that he had a better plan. He would wait until the doctor came into the shop next time  to buy something and ask about his foot. He understood that if he went to see the doctor, he would have to pay him.

   Luckily the next day the doctor came into the shop and bought some books. As the bookseller was wrapping the books,  he told the doctor what had happened to his foot. The doctor agreed to have a look at it.  After he had examined the bookseller’s foot, he told him what to do with it. He also took out a piece of paper from his briefcase and wrote a prescription for some ointment. The bookseller was very pleased that he wouldn’t have to pay the doctor any money. But the doctor understood that his knowledge had been used for free. Of course, he didn’t like it. So, when the bookseller gave those carefully wrapped books to the doctor and said that they were five pounds, the doctor said it was exactly the money he charged for a visit. It goes without saying the bookseller was furious, but he couldn’t do anything about it as the doctor was right.


  Слова и выражения:


to hurt — ударять, причинять боль

to refuse — отказаться

to wrap — заворачивать во что-то

a briefcase — докторский саквояж

a prescription — рецепт

ointment — мазь

for free — бесплатно

exactly — зд. именно

to charge — оценивать

furious — вне себя от ярости

it goes without saying — не стоит и говорить, что …

Необходимые учебники для 9 класса — Saint Joseph Prep

Ниже приведен полный список необходимых учебников и ресурсов на 2021–2022 годы. Кроме того, пожалуйста, обратитесь к нашему Требуемые материалы для 9-х классов для получения полного списка необходимых материалов помимо учебника для каждого класса.

Примечание : По возможности мы отобрали цифровые версии учебников и ресурсов для легкой загрузки. Однако в некоторых случаях издатели предлагают только печатные издания.

Мы указали, какие книги следует приобретать в формате электронной книги, а какие — в печатном виде.

  • Когда учебник или ресурс доступен в формате электронной книги, вы увидите слова: «для приобретения в цифровом формате».
  • Если учебник доступен только в печатном виде, вы увидите слова: «приобретается в печатном виде».
  • В некоторых случаях, когда мы можем предложить учащимся возможность приобрести учебники и ресурсы либо в цифровой, либо в печатной версии. В этих случаях вы увидите слова «учащиеся могут выбрать покупку в печатном или цифровом формате». В этих случаях учащиеся могут свободно выбирать версию, которая, по их мнению, лучше всего подходит для них.

При покупке электронной версии текста иногда может быть дешевле и проще загрузить версию iBook. Там, где доступна версия для iBook, мы предоставили вам прямую ссылку для загрузки книги.

Важное примечание : Учащиеся должны чувствовать себя комфортно, ожидая загрузки цифровых версий любого необходимого учебника или ресурса до первой недели учебы. В этот момент у учителей будет возможность предложить дополнительные рекомендации относительно процесса загрузки.

Обратитесь к странице Летние дополнительные задания , чтобы загрузить конкретные задания, которые включают требования, ожидания и рекомендации.

Если вы зачислены на курс, не указанный ниже, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться по телефону Mr. Poponyak .


Примечание : Учащиеся могут приобрести все перечисленные ниже английские романы заранее. Студенты также могут подождать до первой недели учебы. Это даст учителям английского языка возможность указать, какие книги необходимы для первого семестра, а какие книги будут использоваться во втором семестре.

Английский 1: Обзор литературы (с отличием и подготовка к колледжу)

*Все тексты необходимо приобретать в печатном формате .*

  • Буря, Уильям Шекспир. Саймон и Шустер, 2004. ISBN 9780743482837
  • .
  • Март Книга первая, Джон Льюис. Top Shelf Productions 2013. ISBN 9781603093002
  • Повелитель мух, Уильям Голдинг. Книги перигея, 2003 г. ISBN 9780399501487
  • .
  • 451 градус по Фаренгейту, Рэй Брэдбери. Саймон и Шустер, 2013. ISBN 9781451673319

Кроме того, ваш инструктор может выбрать для чтения следующие работы в течение года. Эти книги НЕ нужно покупать летом. Ваш инструктор предупредит вас о заказе и покупке.

  • Харун и море историй, Салман Рушди. Издательство Пингвин. 1991. ISBN 9780140157376
  • .

Английский язык 1: Письмо на английском языке (с отличием и подготовка к колледжу)

  • Образцы для писателей: краткие эссе для сочинения Альфреда Розы и Пауля Эшгольца. Бедфорд/Сент. Издательство Мартина; 11-е издание. ISBN 9780312552015

Примечание : Все вышеперечисленные издания представлены в мягкой обложке и, если не указано иное, должны приобретаться в печатном виде. Учитель, используя общедоступные веб-источники, сделает все дополнительные стихи, рассказы и чтения доступными для учащихся на их цифровых устройствах. Преподаватели этого курса предоставят учащимся необходимые им ресурсы посредством подборки дополнительных ресурсов и пакетов, созданных преподавателями.


Богословие I

  • Священное Писание: католическое исследование Божьего Слова Смит-Кристофер и Маллен, Ave Maria Press. (мягкая обложка) ISBN 9781594711718 Примечание. В качестве альтернативы учащиеся могут приобрести электронную версию той же книги, перейдя по адресу https://itun.es/us/ygdzdb.n
  • .

Примечание : Для всех математических курсов требуется графический калькулятор TI-84 Plus или графический калькулятор TI-84 CE.

Алгебра I (с отличием и подготовка к колледжу)

  • Алгебра I CCSS (твердый переплет), Glencoe Publishing. 2011. ISBN 9780078951152 Примечание. Кроме того, этот текст также доступен для загрузки через iBook. Щелкните здесь , чтобы загрузить книгу непосредственно из iBook Store.

Геометрия (с отличием и подготовка к колледжу):

  • Geometry Student Edition 2012 CCSS (твердый переплет), Glencoe Publishing, 2012. ISBN 9780078952715 Примечание : Кроме того, этот текст также доступен для загрузки через iBook. Щелкните здесь , чтобы загрузить прямо из iBook Store.

Примечание : Для всех курсов по естественным наукам требуется графический калькулятор TI-84 Plus.

В начале учебного года учащиеся получат копию учебника «Концепции биологии» Фаулера, Руша и Уайза в формате pdf.


Всемирная история I (с отличием и подготовка к колледжу)

  • Всемирная история: модели взаимодействия, Houghton Mifflin, 2007. ISBN 97806186

    Примечание : Кроме того, этот текст также доступен для загрузки через iBook. При использовании Нажмите здесь , чтобы загрузить прямо из iBook Store. Примечание : Дополнительная литература для этого курса: Преподаватель предоставит учащимся дополнительную первичную и дополнительную литературу в классе.


Испанский I (Honors and College Prep)

  • EntreCulturas 1, Español — Годовой цифровой студенческий пакет (FlexText® + Explorer) ISBN: 978-1-942400-89-9 http://bit.ly /2XbHeIq ( Примечание : обязательно прокрутите вниз до EntreCulturas 1)

Испанский II (с отличием и подготовка к колледжу)

  • EntreCulturas 2, Español — Годовой цифровой студенческий пакет (FlexText® + Explorer) ISBN: 978-1-942400-91-2 http://bit. ly/2XbHeIq ( Примечание : Обязательно прокрутите вниз до EntreCulturas 2)

Latin I

  • Ecce Romani I,  Burns MacGregor Peltason & Cronin. Издательство школьной группы. ISBN 9780133610895  Формат печати. Обновление: серия учебников Ecce Romani теперь доступна в виде электронной книги. Если вас интересует цифровая версия электронной книги Ecce Romani Level I Standalone Savvas eText, лицензия на 1 год   ISBN 9781418301385 , пожалуйста, используйте эта ссылка .  Скопируйте и вставьте номер ISPN в строку поиска. Должен появиться текст. В начале занятий учитель поделится с учащимися инструкциями по загрузке текста в приложении Realize на их ноутбуки.

Примечание : При совершении онлайн-покупки на веб-сайте SAVVAS указано, что эта покупка может быть совершена только с помощью школьной кредитной карты. Пожалуйста, проигнорируйте это примечание и выберите гостевую оплату. В гостевой кассе введите почтовый индекс нашей школы 02134 и выберите «Saint Joseph Prep» в раскрывающемся меню, и покупку можно будет совершить с помощью личной кредитной карты. Если есть вопросы или для заказа по телефону, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с SAAVAS по телефону 1800-848-9500 и дайте им указанный выше номер ISBN.

  • Ecce Romani I Language Activity Book.  Пирсон Прентис Холл. Издательство школьной группы. ISBN 9780133611199  Можно приобрести в печатном формате .

Latin II

  • Ecce Romani II,  Pearson Prentice Hall. Издательство школьной группы. ISBN 9780133610918  Формат печати  *Осень 2021 г. Примечание. Учащиеся продолжат пользоваться своим учебником Ecce Romani I в течение первого месяца обучения*.  Обновление: 18.08.20. Серия учебников Ecce Romani теперь доступна в виде электронной книги. Если вас интересует цифровая версия электронной книги Ecce Romani Level II Standalone Savvas eText, лицензия на 1 год ISBN 9781418301392  , воспользуйтесь этой ссылкой .  Скопируйте и вставьте номер ISPN в строку поиска. Должен появиться текст. В начале занятий учитель поделится с учащимися инструкциями по загрузке текста в приложении Realize на их ноутбуки.

Примечание : При совершении онлайн-покупки на веб-сайте SAVVAS указано, что эта покупка может быть совершена только с помощью школьной кредитной карты. Не обращайте внимания на это примечание и выберите гостевую оплату. В гостевой кассе введите почтовый индекс нашей школы 02134 и выберите «Saint Joseph Prep» в раскрывающемся меню, и покупку можно будет совершить с помощью личной кредитной карты. Если есть вопросы или заказ по телефону, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с SAVVAS по телефону 1800-848-9500 и сообщите им указанный выше номер ISBN.

  • Ecce Romani II Language Activity Book,  Pearson Prentice Hall. Издательство школьной группы. ISBN 9780133611182  Можно приобрести в печатном формате .

ESL I Книга не требуется

ESL II Книга не требуется

BJU Press Grade 9 — Christianbook.


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    Избавьте себя от необходимости покупать отдельные компоненты; Получите все, что вам нужно для ваших основных предметов, с полными комплектами учебников BJU Press! Академически обоснованные, основанные на Библии курсы BJU Press помогли многим семьям, обучающимся на дому, достичь своих образовательных и духовных целей. 9 класс.

    Этот комплект содержит следующее:

    • Культурная география 9: текст для учащихся, издание для учителя, тетрадь для заданий для учащихся, ключи для ответов на задания для учащихся, тесты и ключи для ответов на тесты
    • Письмо и грамматика 9: Учебник для учащихся, издание для учителя, тесты и ответы к тестам
    • Основы литературы 9: текст для учащихся, издание для учителя, тесты и ключи к тестам
    • Алгебра I: текст для учащихся, руководства для учителей (2 тома) ), Учебное пособие для учащихся, Ключи для ответов на задания для учащихся, Тесты и Ключи для ответов на тесты
    • Физические науки: текст для учащихся, издание для учителя (2 тома), руководство для лабораторных работ, руководство для лабораторных работ, издание для учителя, тесты и ключи для ответов на тесты


    Обратите внимание:  На изображении комплекта могут быть показаны более ранние выпуски некоторых предметов. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со списком и ссылками ниже для предметных изданий, которые включены в этот полный комплект для домашнего обучения. Ресурсы набора для учителя могут быть включены в виде компакт-дисков, загружаемых материалов или печатных материалов.

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