Гдз по ино 8 класс: Ваулина. Spotlight учебник (student’s book)


Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме Модальные глаголы для 8 класса | Тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему:

Опубликовано 26.02.2016 — 12:08 — Абдуллина Миляуша Сабирьяновна

Данная к.р. содержит задания на употребление глаголов can, may, must, have to, should, ought to.


Предварительный просмотр:

Modal Verbs (the 8th form)

1. Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb: must, have to, should, ought to:

  1. I … clean my room. I always do it on Saturday.
  2. I … to clean my room tomorrow.
  3. My granny is in hospital. I … visit her.
  4. You … to see “Titanic” – it’s a great film.
  5. This is a terrible party. We really … go home.
  6. You … watch TV for so long.
  7. This is a lovely party, but it’s getting late and we … to go home.
  8. You … phone home now. I don’t let you.
  9. You … to phone at once. It is not necessary.
  10. Alice wants to improve her English. She … work harder.
  11. Drivers … to obey the speed limit.
  12.  … you always interrupt me when I’m speaking?
  13.  … you … interrupt your speech to explain new words?
  14.  I … go to London yesterday.
  15.  You … go on a picnic with us – it will be great fun!
  16.  The Smiths … pay for their new car every month; they’ve bought it on credit.
  17.  I … give up smoking, this is my doctor’s recommendation.
  18.  I often … cook supper because my parents work late hours.
  19.  People … vote even if they don’t agree with each of the candidates.
  20.  You look so tired. You … work so hard.

2. Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb: can, could, may, might :

  1. Robert … speak English well enough to talk without an interpreter.
  2. Mother, … I come back home at 11 tonight?
  3. Father … repair my broken bicycle.
  4. I … come round this evening.
  5. They say  I … do sums well.
  6. Bob … phone this evening.
  7. Johnny, dear, … you do something for me.
  8. … you go shopping this evening?
  9. I … do the flat myself.
  10. It … rain soon.


The keys

Task 1

  1. must
  2. will have to
  3. should
  4. ought to
  5. must
  6. mustn’t
  7. have to
  8. mustn’t
  9. don’t have to
  10. should/ must
  11. ought to
  12. must
  13. do you have to
  14. had to
  15. must
  16. have to
  17. have to
  18. have to
  19. should/ must
  20. shouldn’t

Task 2

  1. can
  2. may
  3. could
  4. might
  5. can
  6. can/ could
  7. may
  8. may
  9. can/ could
  10. may

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Variant I

Choose an odd word out.

1)foyer, gallery, god, stalls;

2) balcony, stage, cruelty, cloakroom;

3) allow, add, hold, alike;

4) receive, refuse, devote, reply;

5)cruel, possible, pianist, classical;

2.Write in English.

Возможная проблема, известный драматург, принимать посетителей, необычная жестокость , oрганизовать вечеринку, центральный (главный) герой фильма , сдавать кровь, соединять два берега реки.

3. Write in one word.

1) A person in a play or film;

2) A drama about sad events;

3) A drama about funny events;

4) A kind of a platform in the theatre where actors perform;

5) The place where people buy tickets;

6) The highest floor in the theatre;

7) The place in the theatre where people can buy food.

4. Fill in the prepositions (at, from, in, of, on, to, with)

1) He said he had bought four tickets… the Bolshoy Theatre.

20 There is no shop … the end of our street.

3) The seats were not … the stalls, they were … the gallery.

4) …the end we decided to buy a nice dress as a present for her.

5) Suddenly a young actress appeared … the stage.

5. Report the sentences

1) Julia said: “My seats are in the stalls”.

2) Tom said;”We are organizing a coffee break”.

3) Terry said:”I am offering you a cup of tea”.

4)Elizabeth said:”I have sent an email to George”.

5)Charles said: “Our team won the first match”.

6) Bob said :”I can do it”.

Variant II

1. Choose an odd word out.

1) impossible, previous, safe, ticket;

2) blood, character, scenery, willingly;

3) circle, curtain, entertainment, previously;

4) usher, theatregoer, elegance, pianist;

5) pianist, character, dramatist, preference.

2.Write in English.

Главный герой, новое развлечение, получать подарки, разрешить сделать что-либо, держать сумку под мышкой, необычное развлечение, обдумывать план, преданные друзья, выглядеть похоже, предложить чашку чая.

3.Write in one word.

1)The place in the theatre where musicians sit and play;

2)The place in the theatre where people leave their coats;

3) The place in the theatre where people come together and talk;

4) A person in a play or film.

5) The place where people buy tickets;

6) The highest floor in the theatre;

7) The place in the theatre where people can buy food.

4. Fill in the prepositions (at, from, in, of, on, to, with)

1)  He bought two tickets … ”The Sounds of Music”.

2)At the theatre people leave their coats … the cloakroom.

3(What did he write … the end of his letter?

4) …. the end we decided to stage the play “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare.

5)The actors appeared … the stage.

5. Report the sentences

1)_Peter said:»We are near the orchestra pit”.

2) The girls said:”We are really enjoying the show”.

3) Jim said:  “I am connecting the two lines’.

4) James said:”We have left our opera glasses at home”.

5) Emoly said: ”We met at the box office”.


Variant I

Ex.1: 1) god, 2) cruelty, 3) hold , 4) devote ,5) pianist. .

Ex.2: a possible problem, a well-known dramatist/playwright, to receive visitors, unusual cruelty, to organize a party, to give  blood, to connect two banks of the river.

Ex.3: 1) a character, 2) a tragedy,3) a comedy, 4) a stage , 5) a ticket office , 6) a gallery,  7) a buffet.

Ex.4: 1) to, 2) at,  3) in, in , 4) at  5) on.

Ex.5: 1) Julia said (that) her seats were in the stalls.2) Tom said (that) they were organizing a coffee break.3) Terry said (that) he was offering me a cup of tea.4) Charles said (that) their team had won the first match.

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