All about me 7 класс – Lesson 12-13. All about me. Страница 122. Задание №7

ГДЗ решебник по Английскому языку Activity Book 7 класс Кузовлев 2011

ГДЗ / 7 класс / Английский язык

Авторы: Кузовлев В.П.
Класс: 7
Предмет: Английский язык

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  1. Английский язык 7 класс Кузовлев Лапа Перегрудова 2003
  2. Английский язык 7 класс Student’s Book Кузовлев Лапа 2003
  3. Английский язык 7 класс Кузовлев 2003
  4. Английский язык 7 класс Activity Book Кузовлев 2011
  5. Английский язык 7 класс Student’s Book Кузовлев Лапа Перегрудова 2012
  6. Рабочая тетрадь по Английскому языку 7 класс Actity Book Кузовлев 2014-2015
  7. Рабочая тетрадь по Английскому языку 7 класс Activity Book Кузовлев 2015

Готовые задания


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 4 lesson 5 Consolidation lesson 8


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 Consolidation lesson 8


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 Consolidation lesson 8


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 lesson 7 Consolidation


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 Consolidation lesson 8


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 Consolidation lesson 7


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 Consolidation lesson 8


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 Consolidation lesson 7


lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 Consolidation lesson 8


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Решебник. New Millennium English 7 класс (Student’s book, Workbook) Деревянко Н.Н. и др.

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Решебник. New Millennium English 7 класс (Student’s book, Workbook) 
Деревянко Н.Н. и др.  
Victory Санк-Петербург 2012 год


Millennium 7 Student’s Book

Unit 1 Keep in touch

Lesson 1 School small talk

Ex. 1a
E — Ben and Will are talking.
С — Claire and Nicole are talking.
A — An extra conversation (no picture).
В — Kelly and Donna are talking.
D — Ryan and Alex are talking.

Ex. 1b
   We can hear these conversations at the schoolyard on the first day after the summer holidays.

   The conversations are about new students, new things, textbooks and pens.

Ex. За (возможные варианты)
      Nobody talks to the boy because he doesn’t look happy. He doesn’t smile. He doesn’t look at anybody. He’s got closed posture (arms and legs crossed). The kids think that he doesn’t feel like talking.
      The kids don’t talk to the girl, because she’s got closed posture (crossed arms). She doesn’t look at anybody and doesn’t smile.

Ex. 3b

Good body language Bad body language
А, С В, D

      Достаточно ли хорош твой язык жестов?
      Совет для первого дня в школе
      Язык жестов (наша мимика и жестикуляция) часто передает то, что мы хотим сообщить собеседникам еще до того, как мы откроем рот.
      Этот язык показывает людям, что мы чувствуем и действительно ли хотим общаться.

      Что же такое «язык жестов»? Язык жестов, показывающий ваше дружелюбие (расположение) это улыбка, зрительный контакт, открытая осанка (нескрещённые руки и ноги), дружеское рукопожатие.
      Если Ваши жесты и мимика неприветливы (Вы не улыбаетесь, не смотрите собеседнику в глаза, держите руки и ноги крест-накрест, отклоняетесь назад), люди подумают, что вы не настроены разговаривать или, что Вы задумались о чем-то важном. Поэтому они не захотят подойти и заговорить с Вами. Если Вы хотите уметь общаться, Вам следует научиться хорошо говорить на языке жестов.

Ex. Зс (возможные варианты)
I’d like to talk to A. The girls’ body language is very friendly. She is smiling. There’s a lot of eye contact.
I’d like to talk to C. The boy’s body language is very friendly. He is smiling. He’s using open posture, and he is looking into my eyes
I wouldn’t like to talk to D. The girl looks sad.Sshe isn’t smiling, and she is looking down. D’s body language is unfriendly.

I wouldn’t like to talk to B. The boy’s using closed posture. He is leaning back, and there’s no eye contact.

Ex. 4 (возможные варианты)
The boy should smile, use an open posture, have eye contact with the kids, and shake hands.
The girl should smile, stop keeping her arms crossed, and have eye contact with the kids.

Ex. 5
      Счет 0-20 очков. Нельзя сказать, что ты умеешь общаться. Ты застенчив? Или ты хочешь прожить жизнь один? Если нет, хорошенько изучи первую главу учебника чтобы улучшить свои навыки общения.
      Счет 20 — 40 очков. Ты умеешь общаться достаточно хорошо. Ты много говоришь, и у тебя много друзей. Но иногда у тебя не получается выразить словами то, что ты хочешь и люди тебя не понимают. Иногда ты чувствуешь, что не знаешь, как попросить людей, что-нибудь сделать для тебя. В чем проблема? Твой язык жестов недостаточно хорош? Хорошо изучи первую главу учебника, и ты добьешься, чтобы тебя поняли.

      Счет 40 — 50очков. Ты знаешь об общении все. Ты легко находишь общий язык с разными людьми. Но… Умеешь ли ты говорить с животными? Можешь читать иероглифы? Понимаешь ли знаки? Знаешь какие-нибудь коды? Умеешь посылать смс-ки на английском языке? Если нет, изучи первую главу, чтобы научиться.

Lesson 2 Could you say that again?

Ex. 1b
— Do you think you could show me the way?
— I’m afraid I can’t

— Could you give me your pen for a minute?
— Certainly. Here you are.
— Thank you very much.
— You are welcome.

— Can you tell me the time?
— Sure. It’s ten to three.
-That’s OK.

Ex. 2a
1. The speaker asks to repeat saying «Sorry, could you say that again?»
2. The first and the third phrases mean the same.
3. The speaker doesn’t use the same words in the third phrase to make it clear.

Ex. 4a
— Sorry, could you say that again?
— I like studying English at school.

Ex. 5
3. Do you think you could help me with the Maths?
4. Can you tell me the time?
5. Could you give me your pencil?
6. Do you think you could show me the way to the swimming pool?
7. Can you help me?
8. Could you open the ’

Lesson 3 Please read carefully

Ex. 2
A. Нет выхода
B. Пожалуйста, не занимайте в эту сторону!
C. Держитесь правой стороны
D. Парковка запрещена

Ex. 3
А4   В1   С 5   D 3    Е 2

Ex. 4

Ex. 6 (возможные варианты)
Nobody’s perfect.
The best.
I love my family.

Lesson 4 Who said «Miaow?»

Ex. 2 (возможные варианты)
I agree with Claire that animals can communicate. They can communicate not only with people, but also with each other.

Ex. 3b
1. Dolphins can tell each other about danger.
2. Whales can produce sounds called songs.
3. Apes show what they want with their faces and hands.
4. The «secret language» of bees is a «round dance».
5. Male peacock attracts a girlfriend by dances.

Ex. 4a
Он хочет, чтобы группа животных перешла на новое место.

Ex. 4Ь
1. «Чтобы» is missing in the English sentence.
2. The verb in Russian is in the past, the verb in English is infinitive.
3. The difference is between personal pronoun and object pronoun.

Ex. 5a
1. True

Ex. 5 b
to scratch …

Ex. 6 (возможные варианты)

    When my cat is hungry, he miaows and leads me to the kitchen. When my cat is thirsty, he miaows and asks to open the bathroom’s door and turn on the water. When my cat is lonely, he sings his songs and brings his toys to play with him.

Ex. 7 (возможные варианты)
    Bats. There are over 900 species of bats. They come in all sizes and colors. They live from 10 to20 years.
    Bats are not blind. They have small eyes and most can see quite well. While in flight, bats use special sounds to navigate and to locate obstacles and food. This is called echolocation.
    Bats communicate using other sounds that are not made using echolocation. These sounds, squeaks, and squawks are made while roosting or defending territories. Bats sleep mainly during the day, hanging with head downward, wings folded about their bodies. They fly at dusk or at night seeking food.

Lesson 5 🙂 © or 🙁 ® ?

Ex. Зс (возможные варианты)

🙂 © cos :-(® cos
You are safer if they have a mobile. It is a target for thieves.
You become more organized. The mobile bleeps during lessons.
You make lots of friends. Some schools’ administrations fine the pupils whose phones ring during lessons.

Ex. 5 (возможные варианты)

    I think mobile phones are good. You can make plans by texting, stay in touch with your friends. It’s safer to have a mobile phone, you can always call parents and say where you are now, or you can say that you are late or something.

Ex. 6
Wan2go 2d disco 18ter 2nite? All d pp will В there.

Lesson 6 Ring me back

Ex. 3 (возможные варианты)

     1. Same: The girls are talking to their friends’ mums. They want to speak to their friends, but the girls are not in at the moment. The mothers don’t know when they will be back. Jessica and Настя want to leave a message — they want Nicole and Надя call them back in the evening. Different: The way we speak over the phone in English and Russian, the way we take/leave messages.
     2. The conversations are informal. Such words as Hi, OK, Right, Bye-bye, Oh are usually used in the informal speech.
1. The conversations start with НеИо/Алло
2. The conversations finish with Bye-bye/До свидания
3. In English: Could I leave a message? In Russian: Вы не могли бы кое- что передать?

Ex. 4 (возможные варианты)
1. There is conversation between two adults.
2. The conversation is formal. The phrases ‘Chesterton Community College, Can I help you? Good morning, who’s calling? Hold on, She is out, Can I take a message? ’ are used.
3. The speaker names the place (Chesterton Community College)
4. —
5. Can I take a message? Я могу что-нибудь передать?

Ex. 7 (возможные варианты)
— School 1387. Good morning. Can I help you?
— Can I speak to Mr. Ageev, the director, please?
— Certainly. Can I have your name, please?
— My name is Rob Stewart, the head teacher of Chesterton Community College.
— Right, Mr. Stewart. Please hold on…. Sorry, I’m afraid Mr. Ageev is out, and will be back only in the afternoon. Can I take a message?
— Certainly. Could you ask Mr. Ageev to provide us with the list of the students, who are coming to Chesterton Community College with the exchange programme.

Unit 2 Ready, steady, go!

Lesson 1 At the sports center

Ex. 1b

Игры с мячом Командные игры Игры на открытых площадках Под музыку Другие виды
пинг-понг футбол лыжи аэробика борьба
теннис баскетбол футбол гимнастика карате
футбол волейбол легкая атлетика тяжелая атлетика
баскетбол хоккей

Ex. 1c (возможные варианты)
It is an indoor sport. You can do it in a gym; you need an instructor who shows you the exercises. You can do it to music. (Aerobics)

Ex. Id (возможные варианты)
1. Yes, there is a sports club near my house.
2. You can do aerobics, fitness training, pilates, yoga, weight training there.

Ex. 2
1. Stephen likes basketball, squash and tennis. Pete likes weight training.
2. The boys would like to play squash together.

Ex. 4a (возможные варианты)
1. I love bowling.  2. I enjoy doing aerobics.  3. I always go swimming.  4. I don’t really like squash.  5. I never do weight training.

Ex. 5a
Dina plays football, and so does Simon.
Kate does karate, and so does Simon.
Simon plays football, and so does Terry.
Kate does athletics, and so does Terry.
Simon does weight training, and so does Terry.
Dina plays basketball, and so does Terry.
Dina doesn’t do athletics, and neither does Simon.
Simon doesn’t do aerobics, and neither does Terry.
Dina doesn’t do weight training, and neither does Kate.
Kate doesn’t play basketball, and neither does Simon.

Ex. 6 (возможные варианты)
-I love playing tennis.
— So do I. Would you like to play tennis with me on Saturday?

-I don’t like bowling.
— Neither do I. Bowling is boring.

-I every day watch sporting news on TV.
-I don’t. I don’t like sports. I like watching the programmes about wildlife more.

Lesson 2 Meet the sports champion

Ex. 1a
1. would, т.к. в первом предложении используется would (I’d like = I would like)
2. can, т.к. в вопросе используется can (I can’t = I can not)

Ex. 2
1. are (наст, вр., мн. число)
2. is (наст, вр., 3-е л., ед. число)
3. сап, т.к. в вопросе используется can (I can’t = I can not)
4. did (прош. вр)
5. does (наст, вр., 3-е л., ед. число)
6. would, т.к. в первом предложении используется would
7. were (прош. вр., мн. число)

Ex. 3 (возможные варианты)
I usually do karate every day.
I can do weight training and play football.
I’d like to play football on Sunday.
Yesterday I went to the sports club.

Ex. 4a (возможные варианты)
1. I don’t know. / Marion Jones is in the picture.
2. I thinks she does athletics,
3. She is crying because she is happy. She has won the gold medal.

Ex. 5b (возможные варианты)
Sport helps you to be strong.
Sport helps you to look fit.
Sport helps you to make new friends.
Sport helps you to be healthy.
Sport helps you to be well-organised.

Ex. 6
Ты настолько же честолюбив, как и Марион Джоунз?
Она самая быстрая женщина в мире. В прошлом году на олимпийских играх в Сиднее, она завоевала три золотых и две бронзовых медали. Она очень честолюбива. А насколько перспективен ты? Проверь себя.
      1. Какие из следующих утверждений наиболее правдивы?
b) Если ты действительно чего-то хочешь, ты можешь добиться всего.
c) Если ты будешь усердно трудиться, ты можешь добиться успеха, но также необходима и удача
d) Никогда не перерабатывай — можешь потерпеть неудачу
      2. Ты очень хотел выиграть в школьных состязаниях, но пришел вторым. Твои мысли:
a) Это не для меня, мне не следует делать это снова
b) В следующий раз мне надо работать еще упорней
c) Жаль, но я сделал все, что мог
      3. Ты хочешь получить главную роль в школьной пьесе, но у других получается не хуже. Что ты об этом думаешь?
b) Ну и ладно, есть другие роли.
c) Продолжу пытаться снова и снова
d) Пойду домой, потому что уже не собираюсь получать эту роль
      4. Тебе предстоит в школе сдать экзамен по твоему самому любимому предмету. Ты:
b) ничего не будешь делать, потому что не хочешь быть лучшим?
c) будешь прилежно учиться, чтобы получить самую высокую оценку?
d) ничего не будешь делать, потому что экзамен и так легкий?
      5. Ты оказался самым последним бегуном в школьной команде. Ты:
a) просишь своего друга присоединиться к школьной команде, потому что он бегает даже медленнее тебя
b) покидаешь команду, потому что ты не можешь быть хорош во всем
c) начинаешь заниматься еще больше, прежде чем начнутся состязания
      5-7 Возможно у тебя хорошо получаются многие вещи, но ты не достаточно трудолюбив. Ты никогда не добьешься успеха, если не будешь стараться как следует.
      8-11 Ты честолюбив, но ты еще и любишь отдыхать. Молодец!
     12-15 Поздравляем! Ты очень честолюбив. Ты веришь в себя и никогда не сдаешься.

Lesson 3 Why I miss sports lessons

Ex. 2a (возможные варианты)
The boy has pretended that he has hurt his leg not to do any sports at school. He has pretended for the whole term, and now he really feels bad about this.

Ex. 2b (возможные варианты)
I think Nicole’s advice is the best. Sam will stop his lie, and he will feel much better.
I think Emma’s advice is the best. Sam should ask his parents for their help.

Ex. 3a
If I were you, I would…

Ex. 3 b
Я бы на твоем месте…

Ex. 4Ь (возможные варианты)
— I feel lonely. I am new here and have no friends at school.
— If I were you, I’d join a sports club to be in a team and make friends.
— I’m overweight. I don’t like myself and feel self-conscious. What should I do?
— If I were you, I’d do regular exercise, eat more vegetables and fruit and stop eating sweets and junk food.
— I’m often late for the first lesson. -Why.
— I can’t get up so early. What should I do?
— If I were you, I’d go to bed earlier.

Ex. 6 (возможные варианты)
     If I were you, I would do some training on my own (for example at the sports club, or at school’s gym in the evening, when nobody can see you) to succeed in over the horse jumping, and then go to PE. Also I’d tell my parents about the accident at PE, I think the teacher can never make such tactless remarks. Your parents would talk to Miss Bell, and the matter would be settled.

Тесты по чтению на английском для 7 класса

В данной статье вы найдете подборку текстов для чтения по английскому языку для 7 класса. Тексты и задания разной уровни сложности, поэтому вы можете подобрать текст, соответствующий нужному уровню. Все тесты для чтения даются с ответами.

Тексты по чтению для 7 класса даны по следующим темам:

  • School and education – Reading test My New School Is Fantastic.
  • Travelling and tourism / Animals / Britain — Reading comprehension test Mysterious Monster
  • Music – Reading task Street musicians

В конце статьи вы найдете ответы к тестам по чтению.

Текст для 7 класса по теме ЖИВОТНЫЕ с заданиями также можно найти здесь. 

Тест по чтению для 7 класса #1. My New School Is Fantastic

Rita Nelson is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to another town this summer.

“Let me tell you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly, but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school starts at 8.00 here, a whole, hour before it did in that school. This morning I forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note into my record-book. I was really angry!

There are a lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they love sports here.

I joined gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.

Another important thing here is learning to do practical things. Their metal and wood shops are like small factories, and we are taught to drive as well. It’s fantastic. I had my first lesson in driving a tractor yesterday.”

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.

Rita Nelson is _______

a) 13    b) 14         c) 15

Lessons in Rita’s previous school started at

a) 7 o’clock      b) 8 o’clock    c) 9 o’clock

Rita has _______ lessons every day.

a) 5            b) 6               c) 7

Rita’s lessons are over at

a) 3. 00       b) 3.30       c) 4.00

After lessons most pupils go

a) to sports practice b) home     c) for a walk

Exercise 2. Name the things in Rita’s new school that are different from her previous school.

  1. Number of pupils in Rita’s class.
  2. Time when the lessons begin
  3. Time when the lessons end
  4. Number of subjects in the curriculum (расписание)
  5. Number of lessons every day

Exercise 3. True or false?

  1. Rita doesn’t like her new school.
  2. Today Rita came to school in time.
  3. Student don’t love sports in the new school.
  4. Many girls play football in the new school.
  5. Rita likes to drive a tractor.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text «My New School Is Fantastic”.

  1. Why has Rita changed her school?
  2. When do the lessons begin?
  3. Why did the teacher put a note into Rita’s record-book?
  4. What clubs did she join?
  5. What games do girls play in her new school?
  6. What practical things are the children taught?

Exercise 5. Write about practical things that you are taught to do in your school.

Текст для чтения для 7 класса #2 — Mysterious Monster

At different times, thousands of people say that they have seen a large animal in the famous lake called Loch Ness in Scotland. For many centuries, people have tried to catch it. People who live there always talk about the mysterious animal in the lake, and many of them believe that it is still there today.

In 1933, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble, and a huge animal with two humps came out of it.

After that, scientists examined the lake with underwater equipment and tried to find out what kind of animal lived there. Of course, they haven’t found it yet, because the lake is so deep and so dark.

Tourists from all over the world have visited Loch Ness, they hope to see the monster. They have even given it a nickname “Nessie”. Many people even show photos of the monster, but they are usually photos of the pictures of the monster. Scientists suppose that the Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, which has survived since the Ice Age.

Here is a description of the monster:

  • Length: About 50 metres.
  • Body: With two humps.
  • Half horse, half snake and quite small.
  • Long and thin, like a giraffe.
  • Yellow-brown.
  • People think that it eats sheep on land and underwater plants.
  • Shy, doesn’t want to be seen.
  • Lives in the deepest and coldest parts of the lake about 1 km from the surface.

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1. Insert the words according to the text.

have visited, haven’t found, tried, so deep and so dark, came out of it

  1. For many centuries people … to catch it.
  2. The lake began to bubble and a huge animal…
  3. Of course they … it yet.
  4. The lake is ……
  5. Tourists from all over the world … Loch Ness.

Exercise 2. Выберите правильную концовку для предложений.

  1. Loch Ness is in …
  2. England b) Scotland     c) Wales
  3. Loch Ness is …
  4. a lake b) a river     c) a village
  5. Scientists examined the lake with
  6. a) underwater equipment   c) computers    d) special ultrasound gadgets
  7. Tourists have given the monster a nickname
  8. Locky b) Nessie   c) Lohnessi

Exercise 3. True or false.

  1. For many centuries, people have tried to catch the Loch Ness monster.
  2. No one believes that the Loch Ness monster is still in the lake today.
  3. In 1956, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble.
  4. The lake is very deep.
  5. Many people show photos of the monster.

Exercise 4. Дополните описание Лохнесского чудовища.

  • Length: About _______ (1)
  • Body: With two humps.
  • Half __________ (2), half snake and quite small.
  • Long and thin, like a giraffe.
  • Yellow-brown.
  • People think that it eats __________ (3) on land and underwater ________ (4).
  • Shy, doesn’t want to be seen.
  • Lives in the deepest and __________ (5) parts of the lake about 1 km from the surface.

Упражнение 5. Опишите по данному образцу любое животное.

Текст для чтения по английскому языку для 7 класса #3. — Music in the Streets

As you go home after a hard day’s work, and you get off the metro train, you sometimes have to walk a long way to the exit or to change trains. Suddenly in the noise, some music is heard. Those are street musicians. You take out a coin from your pocket and throw it into their hat or instrument case. These musicians bring color and life to the city streets. Street musicians are aged between 17 and 30 years. Some of them are men, some women. They play classical music, pop or folk music, old and new songs. Many musicians are former university students or professional musicians.

Andrew Hain, for example, was once a music student, but he gave up music and became a painter. Now he plays in the underground because he doesn’t want to forget how to play. His girlfriend is a painter, too. She helps him to collect the money. Another street musician, David MacNell, tells new players:

“Learn new songs all the time, or else you’ll have fewer and fewer listeners. Wear bright clothes to attract attention. Make sure that the places where you choose to play are warm. The best places are bridges and certainly the underground.”

On Sundays, Hyde Park is the best place, as the speakers here address the people. The street musicians are doing their business with the many tourists who visit the park. The weather is one of the worst problems. It is not so easy to play the violin or the guitar on a rainy November day in London and try to smile.

A much worse problem is the police. From time to time, they come, and the musicians are moved to a different place. True, they are not often fined. One musician told me:

“The policeman asked me what I was doing. I said I was just practising. Some money just fell out of my pocket into the guitar case, and I was told to leave my place. I think it’s not fair. People love street music. It makes the city more attractive.”

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1. Read the text «Music in the Streets» again and complete the sentences according to the text.

  1. Street musicians are

a) men b)  women  c)  men and women

2. According to the text, street musicians

a) bring color and life to city streets.

b) make more noise in the streets.

c) make traffic more difficult

3. Street musicians play

a) old songs b)  new songs.      c)  old and new songs.

4. Andrew Hain plays in the streets because he

a) needs money.

b) does not want to forget how to play.

c) wants to become famous.

5. The worst problem for the musicians is

a) weather         b)  the police           c) 

Exercise 2. Say true or false.

  1. Street musicians are aged between 17 and 30 years.
  2. Andrew Hain, for example, was once a music professor.
  3. On Mondays, Hyde Park is the best place for street musicians.
  4. The weather is one of the worst problems for street musicians.
  5. Street musicians are very often fined.

Exercise 3. Вставьте слова по смыслу.

  1. Andrew Hain gave up music and became a ____________.
  2. The street musicians are doing their business with the many __________ who visit the Hyde Park.
  3. It is not so easy to play the violin or the _________ on a rainy November day in London
  4. Make sure that the places where you choose to play are _________.

Exercise 4. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Why should street musicians wear bright clothes?
  2. What are the best places for street musicians?
  3. Which is worse for street musiciansthe weather or the police?
  4. Why do street musicians need to learn new songs all the time?

Exercise 5. Say why street musicians like their job and what their problems are.

Ответы к тестам по чтению для 7 класса.

Ответы к тексту My New School Is Fantastic

Упражнение 1.  1b, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5a

Упражнение 2.  2,3,5

Упражнение 3.

1 false

2 false

3 false

4 true

5 true

Упражнение 4.

Варианты ответов:

  1. Rita has changed her school because her parents moved to another town
  2. The lessons begin at 8 o’clock
  3. The teacher put a note into Rita’s record-book because Rita was late for school.
  4. She joined gymnastics and football clubs
  5. A lot of girls play football in this school.
  6. There are metal and wood shops, and the children are taught to drive as well.

Упражнение 5. Ваши варианты ответов.

Ответы к тексту Mysterious Monster

Упражнение 1.

  • Tried, 2) came out of it, 3) haven’t found, 4) so deep and so dark, 5) have visited

Упражнение 2. 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – a, 4 — b

Упражнение 3.

  1. true
  2. false
  3. false
  4. true
  5. true

Упражнение 4.  1 – 50, 2 – horse, 3 – sheep, 4 – plants, 5 – coldest

Упражнение 5. Ваши варианты описания.

Ответы к тексту Music in the Streets

Упражнение 1. 1 – с, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 — b, 5 – b

Упражнение 2. 1 true, 2 false, 3 false. 4 true, 5 false

Упражнение 3. 1 painter, 2 tourists, 3 guitar 4. warm

Упражнение 4.

Possible answers.

  1. Street musicians should wear bright clothes to attract attention.
  2. The best places for street musicians are warm places – such as bridges and the underground.
  3. The police is a much worse problem.
  4. Street musicians need to learn new songs all the time to have more listeners.

Упражнение 5. Your own answers.

Надеюсь, эти тексты для чтения для 7 класса понравились Вам. Вы можете адаптировать их для своих целей и своих классов.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему All about me

LESSON: Unit 1 All about me


School: 59

Date: 11.11

Teacher name: Kanatkyzy Aigerim


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L3 recognise with support simple greetings

recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

1.S1 make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Most learners will be able to:

Some learners will be able to:

Previous learning

Greetings and names: greeting phrases: Hello, Hi, How are you? What is your name? Nice to meet you, I’m fine, My name is …


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


5 minutes


Warm up activity

— Hello

— Hi

— How are you?

— I am fine, thanks.

— What is his/her name?

— Nice to meet you?

  • In addition, to revise the words his/her T. shows pictures of boys and girls and says his/her pointing to the picture. Then T. can name one S. to practice his/her when T. points to the picture S. should say his/her.






  • T shows colours purple, blue, yellow, pink, green and Ss should repeat after the Teacher

  • T shows the colours and Ss should name without T’s support

  • T shows the pictures of colourful numbers and starts the sentence Ss should finish e.g.: It is … ,

It is … etc.

There are flashcards “Colours” on the board, Students close their eyes & at this moment T. takes away one card. Students should find what colour is missing.

  • Teacher demonstrates other colours black, white, red, brown, grey and Ss should repeat after the Teacher

  • T shows the colours and Ss should name without T’s support

Learners practice with each other to pronounce colours intelligibly. Some of them should name colours to each other and the others should raise named colours.


Rainbow song /watch?v=uTDJiPdz3L0


5 minutes

Reflection Ss. are given worksheets with the picture of black and white fruits. Ss. should colour and name them to the Teacher (if there is time limit Students can finish colouring at home)

Crayons, worksheets

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

  • through observation in pair work

  • through revising a covered material in warm up activity

Английский (Топики/Сочинения) На тему: About Myself — О себе

Страница №2 —>>

   Каждый из нас может рассказать о себе либо всё, либо только то, что он считает нужным знать людям, с которыми он общается. Все мы личности, и у каждого из нас есть свои увлечения и маленькие секреты. 
   Изучая раздел Топиков и Сочинений на тему «О себе» каждый из вас сможет грамотно написать собственную биографию на английском языке, да и просто рассказать о своей жизни и о жизни своих близких своим англо-говорящим друзьям.
    К сочинениям прилагаются переводы для лучшего понимания текста, и запоминания оборотов письменной речи. Также в конце сочинений прилагаются дополнительные вопросы и словарь неизвестных слов, рекомендованых к изучению.


1.  About My Family — Моя семья

2.  About Myself — О себе (1)

3.  About Myself — О себе (2)

4.  About Myself — О себе (3)

5.  About Myself — О себе (4)

6.  About Myself — О себе (5)

7.  About Myself — О себе (6)

8.  At School — В школе

9.  At the Library. My School Library — В библиотеке. Моя школьная библиотека (1)

10.  At the Library. My School Library — В библиотеке. Моя школьная библиотека (2)

11.  Books — Книги

12.  Books in Our Life — Книги в нашей жизни

13.  Choosing a Career — Выбор профессии

14.  Choosing an Occupation — Выбор профессии (1)

15.  Choosing an Occupation — Выбор профессии (2)

16.  Choosing an Occupation — Выбор профессии (3)

17.  English Has no Equals! — Английский не имеет равных!

18.  English is the Language of Communication — Английский язык — язык общения

19.  Family Life — Семейная жизнь

20.  Family problems — Семейные проблемы

21.  Foreign Languages in Our Life — Иностранные языки в нашей жизни

22.  Hobbies — Хобби (1)

23.  Hobbies — Хобби (2)

24.  Holidays — Каникулы

25.  House of My Dream — Дом моей мечты

26.  How do I Learn English — Как я изучаю английский язык

27.  I Want to be a Businessman — Я хочу быть бизнесменом

28.  I Want to be a Doctor — Я хочу быть врачом

29.  I Want to be a Journalist — Я хочу быть журналистом

30.  I Want to be a Programmer — Я хочу быть программистом

31.  I Want to be an Interpreter — Я хочу быть переводчиком

32.  Introducing Myself — О себе

33.  My Daily Programme — Мой распорядок дняLeisure Time. Hobbies

34.  Music in Our Life — Музыка в нашей жизни

35.  My Best Friend — Мой лучший друг

36.  My Birthday — Мой день рождения (1)

37.  My Birthday — Мой день рождения (2)

38.  My Birthday — Мой день рождения (3)


Страница №2 —>>

Упражнения по английскому для 7 класса.

Предлагаю подборку грамматических упражнений для 7 класса. Ученики 7 класса уже знают много тем из грамматики английского языка. Попытаемся охватить все базовые темы. Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для 7 класса будут полезны как для повторения грамматических феноменов, так и для проверки текущих навыков учащихся.

Английские времена для 7 класса. Упражнения.

Упражнение 1. Определите, в каком времени английского языка употреблены глаголы.

1.       Shelly goes shopping every day.

2.       Nina is writing something in her exercise book.

3.       My best friend will come to visit me today.

4.       Richard lost his keys yesterday.

5.       My mother doesn’t speak English.

a) Present Simple;

b) Past Simple;

c) Present Continuous;

d) Future Simple.


Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени активного залога.

  1. Sandy (read) historic books every day.
  2. What Liza (do) now? — Liza (write) a letter.
  3. Kate (meet) with her friends 10 minutes ago.
  4. When Jill (come) to the office tomorrow?
  5. Simon (buy) a ticket yesterday.
  6. Mary (read) the text while Ann (translate) the words.
  7. Charlotte (do) her homework while her friend Megan (read) the text.
  8. The Ivanovs (go) to the Hermitage last week.
  9. The sun (rise) yet, but the sky (get) lighter every minute.
  10. Sandy (not go) to the shopping mall yesterday.
  11. Sandy (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow.
  12. Samuel just (go) out.
  13. How long Gretta (drive) a car? — Gretta (drive) for 5 years
  14. When Alice (go) to the cinema?— Alice  (go) to the cinema last Sunday.
  15. How long father (repair) the car? — He (repair) the car all day.
  16. When I  (grow) up, I (not go) to bed early.
  17. Yesterday at this time I (cook) dinner.
  18. Bob (look) for his shoes when I came in.


Упражнение 3. Дополните вопросы.

1._____Nelly come to school yesterday?

2.____ Nick a good pupil?

3._____Greg’s mother make a cake tomorrow?

4._____Jillian working in the garden now?

5._____Mike do the homework yesterday?

Упражнение 4. Вставьте do / have / will /does где необходимо.

  1. Why you bought so much sugar?
  2. What text you just read?
  3. Where you go on holiday?
  4. What Nick do every day?
  5. What Nick do at school tomorrow?

На сайте есть много упражнений на времена английского глагола.

Упражнения на перевод по временам английского глагола для 7 класса.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, использовав следующие грамматические правила.

Present Simple

  1. Моя бабушка живет в деревне недалеко от Минска.
  2. Я не смотрю телевизор ночью.
  3. Ты часто ходишь в бассейн?
  4. Отец Джона работает в крупной компании.
  5. Я увлекаюсь дайвингом.

Past Simple.

  1. Она не могла разговаривать по-английски, когда ей было 10.
  2. Молли посмотрела этот фильм вчера.
  3. Когда пришли ваши друзья?
  4. Салли не видела Грега вчера.
  5. В прошлом году Элис исполнилось 15.

Future Simple / be going to

  1. Что ты собираешься делать летом?
  2. Мы пойдем в кинотеатр в пятницу.
  3. Мы встретимся завтра?
  4. Когда ты ко мне приедешь?
  5. Олег вернется в город в конце лета.

Present Perfect.

  1. Я никогда не опаздывал на первый урок.
  2. Мой друг не сделал домашнее задание.
  3. Ричард не виделся со своими друзьями целую вечность.
  4. Я только что послал письмо.
  5. Ты видел Виктора? — Да, он только что ушел.

Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Я делаю домашнее задание уже два часа.
  2. Он живет в Минске с 2000 года.
  3. Я уже 3 года изучаю испанский язык.
  4. Писатель пишет роман уже 4 месяца.
  5. Я уже 15 минут пытаюсь решить эту задачу.

Conditional I.

  1. Ты опоздаешь, если будешь идти так медленно.
  2. Когда я приеду домой, я буду отдыхать.
  3. Он сделает перевод, если мы ему поможем.
  4. Если вы выучите правило, то напишите тест хорошо.
  5. Когда он окончит школу, он будет учиться в колледже.

Passive Voice.

  1. Книга была куплена вчера.
  2. Почему ты не хочешь пойти в кино?
  3. Этого писателя знает весь мир.
  4. Дом построили строители.
  5. Картина была нарисована в прошлом году.

Упражнения на вопросительные предложения для 7 класса.

Упражнение 6. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

  1. You’re Belarusian,…?
  2. Victor wasn’t at school yesterday,…?
  3. There is a big river here,…?
  4. Molly will come soon,…?
  5. Greg’s jokes aren’t funny,…?
  6. Peter will do the shopping, … ?
  7. John spoke to me, …?
  8. Sandy is wearing a smart dress, … ?
  9. My friends won’t come, …?
  10. You don’t understand me, … ?

Упражнение 7. Поставьте вопросы.

  1. Victor visited his friend yesterday. (общий)
  2. My sister Polly is working in the garden now. (альтернативный)
  3. The boys read an interesting text last week. (who)
  4. Liz and Fred always do their homework. (специальный c when)
  5. Megan doesn’t speak English. (разделительный)

Больше упражнений на построение вопросов в английском языке.

Общие грамматические упражнения для 7 класса.

Упражнение 8. Исправьте грамматические ошибки.

  1. Let’s meet in five o’clock.
  2. They have dinner now.
  3. Do you go to the library after classes tomorrow?
  4. Do you get up this morning at 7 o’clock?
  5. I didn’t met my best friend yesterday.
  6. I has already done my household duties.
  7. He did not visited the British Museum.
  8. We were talking about famous writers now.
  9. We have already come there yet.
  10. When I shall return, I shall call you then.

Упражнение 9.Дополните предложения абсолютной формой притяжательных местоимений.

  1. Му brother has got a computer. It is …
  2. I have got a nice school-bag. It is …
  3. My parents have got a car. It is …
  4. You have got a pencil. It is …
  5. Our school has got three sports grounds. They are…

Упражнение 10. Усильте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных при помощи слов (many)/ far/ by far.

  1. The Volga is longer than the Thames.
  2. This book is better than that one.
  3. The deposits of oil in Russia are the richest in the world.
  4. He has more free time than I.
  5. I have more books than he.

Упражнение 12. Choose the correct option.

  1. He was offered the job because he was (good, better,the best)
  2. My doctor (recommended / had recommended) me yesterday to take a week off work.
  3. Next week I’m going (on, at, of, in) a. school trip to a museum.
  4. He has a party every day, (doesn’t he, hasn’t he)?
  5. She is (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than her brother.
  6. He is (good, better, the best) at football than his brother.
  7. We go to the cinema (another, every, other) day.
  8. He knows about the news, (doesn’t he, does he)?
  9. don’t need (any, some) information.
  10. I rarely go out  (by, at, of, in) the evening.

Упражнение 13. Put articles where necessary.

  1. My mother works at school.
  1. There’s nice garden near house.
  1. Аpple a day is good for you.
  1. That is beautiful flower.
  1. Milk is good for children.

Упражнение 14. Put in prepositions where necessary.

  1. I am interested computers.
  2. My mother is fond collecting stamps.
  3. My friend goes school with pleasure.
  4. He is a member a photography club.
  5. I am crazy animals.

Упражнение 15. Put in another, other or the other.

  1. Have … cup of tea.
  2. What … games do you know?
  3. In what … books can I read about you?
  4. My house is on … side of the street.
  5. Will you ask me … question

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