Учебник английского языка 6 класс ваулина: Читать Английский язык в фокусе 6 класс Учебник Ваулина Дули

Урок английского языка в 6 классе по УМК Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, «Spotlight 6» | Презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс):

Слайд 1

Module 7 Unit 7a

Слайд 2

Read as quickly as you can Monday for health Tuesday for wealth Wednesday the best day for all Thursday for crosses Friday for losses Saturday not luck at all

Слайд 3

7, 8, 15, 19, 20 20,15, 23, 14, 19 GHOST TOWNS

Слайд 4

At the lesson we: Learn new words to describe places in the past. Try to describe places as they were in the past. Read texts about ghost towns. Learn how to use Past Simple

Слайд 5

С ity Город

Слайд 6

Clean Чистый Beautiful Красивый

Слайд 7

Busy Шумный Crowded Переполненный

Слайд 8

A hotel Отель A school Школа A post office Почта A newsagent’s Газетный киоск Салон A saloon A doctor’s Врачебный кабинет A restaurant Ресторан A railway station Железнодорожный вокзал

Слайд 9

A ghost town

Слайд 10

Quiet Тихий, спокойный

Слайд 11

Deserted Заброшенный

Слайд 12

Polluted Загрязненный

Слайд 13

Ugly Некрасивый

Слайд 14

М atch the opposites А. Clean , beautiful, busy, crowded В. Ugly , polluted, deserted, quiet

Слайд 15

clean polluted

Слайд 16

beautiful ugly

Слайд 17

quite busy

Слайд 18

deserted crowded

Слайд 19

Use the letters to make up the words buafetuli – edretsed – uqite – elacn – ylgu – beautiful deserted quiet clean ugly

Слайд 20

Use the new words in the sentences below I like small towns. The air is ______ and fresh there. The main street of the city is very ______________. There are lots of nice buildings and decorations. There are ten _____ buildings in the world – buildings that are not beautiful. Lots of European towns are very small, peaceful and _______. There are several ___________towns . People don’t live there anymore. clean beautiful deserted ugly quiet

Слайд 21

This ghost town was a different town in the past. Many years ago people lived in it. It was a busy town. People travelled by train and on horses. They liked to spend their free time in the saloons and restaurants. Everyone was happy and wealthy. Then the town started to change. It became quiet. Many people started to move to another town. Schools, shops and other. Today there are only a few ruined buildings left.

Слайд 22

People lived People travelled They liked Town started Buildings closed down

Слайд 23

Слова-спутники прошедшего времени: yesterday — вчера the day before yesterday — позавчера last month – в прошлом месяце last year – в прошлом году last week – на прошлой неделе a year ago – год назад a week ago – неделю назад in 2009 – в 2009 году Past Simple Tense

Слайд 24

Все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные правильные like – lik ed watch – watch ed p lay – play ed c ount – count ed неправильные sleep – slept s wim – swam go – went h ave – had

Слайд 25

Правильные глаголы play ed lik ed walk ed V + ed

Слайд 26

Правила чтения окончания ed t если основа глагола заканчивается на глухую согласную Helped — [helpt] d если основа глагола заканчивается на звонкую согласную или гласную Lived – [ livd ] id если основа глагола заканчивается на [t] или [d] skated – [‘skeitid]

Слайд 27

Правописание некоторых правильных глаголов 1. глаголы, оканчивающиеся на y ( после согласной ) , меняют y на i : stud y – stud ied tr y – tr ied cr y – cr ied 2. глаголы, оканчивающиеся на согласную (после краткой гласной), удваивают эту согласную sto p – sto pp ed но clea n — clea n ed

Слайд 28

Past Simple – V ed Affirmative Interrogative Negative I He She It We You They I play? he play? she play? it play? we play? you play? they play? I He She It We You They play ed Did didn’t play

Слайд 29

Write the past simple of the verbs. • want – • open – • work – • wash – • carry – • cook – • clean – • watch – • play – • visit –

Слайд 30

Write the past simple of the verbs. • want – wanted • open – opened • work – worked • wash – washed • carry – carried • cook – cooked • clean – cleaned • watch – watched • play – played • visit – visited

Слайд 31

Make these sentences negative. Use the Past Simple. 1) I washed my cat yesterday. I didn’t wash my cat yesterday. 2) My brother cooked a tasty sandwich. My brother___ ___ a tasty sandwich. 3) Alina watched an interesting film last week. Alina ___ ___ an interesting film last week. 4) My brother played basketball last Friday. My brother___ ___ basketball last Friday. 5) They visited their grandparents in the village. They___ ___ their grandparents in the village. 6) Jane listened to a very beautiful song. Jane___ ___ to a very beautiful song.

Слайд 32

Home task Chernobyl was a city in northern Ukraine, in the Kyiv Oblast near the border with Belarus. The government evacuated the city in 1986 due to the Chernobyl disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which is located 14.5 kilometers (9 miles) north-northwest. The power plant was named after the city, and located within Chernobyl Raion (district), but Power Plant workers lived in Pripyat , a city, which was larger and closer to the power plant. Though the city today is mostly uninhabited, a small number of inhabitants live in houses marked with signs stating that the «Owner of this house lives here». Before the government evacuated the people, there lived about 15,000 residents.

Слайд 33

Famagusta was home to 45,000 people. We left it in August 1974 when the Turkish army invaded ( вторглась ). We never returned ( не вернулись ). Ever since my hometown is dead, empty, home to rats and reptiles. Famagusta today is home to nobody. It’s a ghost town with empty buildings under the occupation of the Turkish army. Before 1974 Famagusta was home to 45,000 famagustans who lived happily and worked patiently ( терпеливо ) to make it the 1 st tourist destination ( направление ) of the island. Thousands of tourists visited and enjoyed our hometown and its rich historical sights ( достопримечательности ). Before 1974 Famagusta was a busy commercial centre . All main streets had modern shops, trendy fashion boutiques selling products from all over the world. The colourful markets offered ( предлагали ) the best local products: vegetables, tasty potatoes from the rich red soil ( почва ) , oranges, lemons and fresh fish from the sea. Famagusta was a vivid ( живой ) city with lively people, restaurants, cinemas, coffee shops and night clubs. Famagusta never slept.

Слайд 34

Mineral Park Ex 3, p 66

Слайд 35

Name of the town ( Facts ) Mineral Park Chernobyl Famagusta Country Number of people who lived there Places of interest When did it become deserted? Why did it become deserted? Nowadays

Слайд 36

T oday at the lesson I have found out… learnt… remembered… known …

Помогите найти сложные слова. Модуль (Module) 6a № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс Ваулина. – Рамблер/класс

Помогите найти сложные слова. Модуль (Module) 6a № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс Ваулина. – Рамблер/класс

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Когда в 2018 году намечено проведение основного периода ЕГЭ?


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Прочитайте информацию в рамочке. Сколько сложных сущест-
вительных вы можете найти в тексте? Вы можете придумать еще?
В английском языке мы можем соединить 2 существительных вместе,
чтобы сделать одно слово. Например, homework. Эти слова сложные суще-
Слова из текста — windsurfing. Football, basketball, baseball, homework

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Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения

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